Chapter 11 - Shady Belle

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Mosquitoes ... Mosquitoes and crocodiles. That's what awaited us upon our arrival in this new camp.

Shady Belle was an old plantation. Once a prestigious estate, it had fallen into disrepair and was now sinking inexorably into the marshes that surrounded it. A cemetery at the back of the property was floundering in the mud, adding horridness to the environment. The air was always warm and full of mosquitoes. Looking back, it's a miracle that no one ever got sick.

The house was rather pleasant, although dilapidated. I was installed on the ground floor with the other girls, while Arthur, John, and Dutch were settled upstairs. The others stayed outside in tents, a situation I had trouble understanding. With a little organization, we could all have stayed inside. But no one seemed to be complaining about it, and I was certainly not going to challenge the implicit hierarchy that ruled this little world.

As soon as they arrived, Dutch, John, and Arthur went to town to find information about this Angelo Bronte. An Italian. Like this grandfather I never knew. He was a quiet but good man, according to my mother. There was only hope that his compatriot shared the same features.

While they were away, we set up camp. Between two tasks, I went to watch over Abigail, worried sick. Thank God, her ordeal was soon over. At nightfall, the men came back, little Jack happily seated in front of his father.

A big sigh of relief filled the place as we all rushed toward the little boy, buried in his mother's arms. Of course, this outcome called for celebration. Javier took out his guitar and played a song in Spanish that we were trying to follow, slaughtering his native language. But we didn't care, all at the jubilation brought by the return of our youngest member. Lighthearted, we celebrated the joy of being together. Like a family. 


As the evening went on, our group split into small committees. Seated at the table, Javier and Uncle played us a playful music ♫, while I made the girls spin until they were dizzy. When the song ended, I walked over to Lenny and asked him for a cigarette.

"Do people dance a lot in Valentine?

- In my house we did. Dad loved music and I've had 5 sisters to make dance"

Micah approached, staring at me with his eternal lustful gaze.

"You sure know how to move, Missy.

- And that's just dance, you've no idea Micah...

- Maybe I'll have some later...

- Try and I'll kill you."

I got up and walked away, rolling my hips to get him mad. I sat down, bottle in hand, near the campfire where Arthur, John, and Charles were resting. The first started talking to me.

"You seem to have fun.

- I do. More than I had in so much time.

- You should really beware with Micah.

- No, guys!! Charles the buzz killer is back! Don't be a buzz killer Charles. You better than anyone know what I can do with a knife.

- You make it sound like Charles tried something." said John, laughing.

"What?! No silly. I'm talking about these southern bastards. We gave them a good run for their money, right Mr. Smith?

- Hmhm

- God, if we had a dollar every time you make that sound, we could buy the whole damn country" I looked at him mischievously.


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