Chapter 25 - A rage unleashed

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Putting wood into the fire, I noticed from the corner of my eye John and Jack playing with wooden swords. I met the gaze of Abigail, moved by this scene. For a moment, life seemed to be back to normal. My injury no longer made me suffer and I could resume my chores as before. How sweet it felt to be useful.

A commotion at the entrance to the camp took me out of my thoughts. Charles had just arrived with Eagle Flies, both escorted by Javier and Karen, guns in hand. I was stunned. Of course he was a stranger, but he was accompanied by one of our own, was it really necessary to point him in this way?

In the background, I listened to their conversation. Colonel Favors and his men had stolen the horses of the tribe. Without them, they could not hunt, and therefore feed themselves. It was like condemning them to death. Eagle Flies offered to pay Dutch for his help, but he refused. Our leader asked Charles for his opinion. He spoke directly to the young man.

"You know I told your father I wouldn't fight over some horses.

- But I didn't made such promise. Miss Grey, you're good with horses, right? Come along.

- Anna!"

I turned to Charles. He stared at me gravely, shaking his head no. I simply shrugged and followed Dutch. What else could I do?

He and Arthur finally joined us when we were already in the saddle. Our leader was just fanning the flames, starting again with his philosophical discourse on what is justice in this world. On the road, while Arthur and Dutch were chatting in the back, Charles came closer to me.

"It's the army we're talking about Anna, do you realize that? So far, they have nothing on you. Since Valentine's shooting, you've remained invisible. But right now, you could lose big. Never be able to return to a normal life.

- What did you want me to do? Say no to Dutch? And anyway, I've already lost big by leaving my ranch to join you. Do you really think I can live normally after all this? I have nothing left in this world, only you all.

- Anna, I/

- Enough Charles, I'm here now, let's not talk about it anymore."

Of course I didn't like attacking the army. But Dutch were our leader, and our friends needed these horses. Oh, obviously, we could have found them other, easily. But it wasn't theirs. And above all, they needed revenge for these humiliations. Ah, the pride of men. How many wars have been started, how many deaths caused by this misplaced pride?

We arrived on the banks where Paytah, one of Eagle Flies' most loyal friends, was waiting for us. The canoes were ready, there was only to wait for the night. In the distance, we could see the ship. I asked:

"Why would they keep horses on a boat? It doesn't really make sense.

- To keep us from getting them back.

- And yet here we are!"


We slipped silently on board. I left it to Arthur and Eagle Flies to disarm the guards. In front of the boat, a game of cards was unfolding. Without a sound, I slipped near the stalls. The horses were nervous about this unusual turmoil. I tried to calm them down to avoid getting the attention of the guards. We heard gunshots, but all the soldiers were quickly overpowered.

Dutch yelled at Arthur to blow up the anchor, making me frown. Dynamite and navigation didn't seem to make a good pair, but to my surprise, it worked. Now freed, the boat was going fast, way too fast. We were going to hit rocks. A terrible shock sent me tossing on the ground, somewhat awakening my wound.

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