Chapter 14 - Rainy Day

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"Don't pretend to be a nun Miss Grey, nobody will believe it. The role of the startled virgin does not suit you at all."

The rain was pouring down the day after this dreadful party. I was arguing with Dutch on the porch. Hosea, slightly behind, attended the scene. I was in a terrible rage. I couldn't believe that our leader, usually so considerate and humanist, could behave this way.

"A man who has managed to navigate to control an entire city will never fall into such a crude trick. I can't even believe you're considering it. It will never work.

- The prouder men are, the more they give in. I trust your talents.

- I'm not sure what talents you're talking about, Dutch.

- You tease the men of the camp all the time, with your dances and your stories. It should come as no surprise that I'mlooking at takingadvantage of this. I saved your sister, I took you in. I think I can ask for a proof of yourengagement in return.

- I think I've already given this proof. By helping Arthur to Valentine, by feeding the gang, by attacking the plantation... And by nicely behaving with this man last night. There are many things I can do to prove my loyalty. But lying down with him is out of the question.

- You could get a lot out of it though. And don't think I haven't heard all the rumors about you in your hometown. Your fellow citizens had a lot to say about you. You weren't working at the saloon, but it was just like.

- That's enough Dutch. We have several leads, let's explore them first before asking her such things."

Hosea had intervened, trying to calm things down. But it was too late, I had heard too much. Disgusted by his words, I walked away quickly in the pouring rain. Without the slightest hesitation, I got on my horse. I think Hosea and Dutch kept discussing what was expected of me. I only heard the leader scream as I galloped away.

"Charles, follow her. I don't want her to disappear into the wild."

I was already out of the camp, but it did not take him long to find me. I knew he didn't understand the situation, but he remained silent. We set off for wilder lands, miles north of the marshes. Miles away from this man. Charles had his bow on him, so we could pretend it was a simple hunting party. Just a little quieter and tensed than usual.


Night was soon to fall, and we were totally drenched. We found shelter in a natural cavity in the rock, big enough to stand. Obviously, we were unable to find wood that was dry enough to make a fire. I was too tired and angry to worry about the basic comfort of this place. At least we were protected from the rain. 

After long minutes of silence, I took a deep breath to give myself courage. He had the right to know why he had been running all day under the waterspouts.

"You've heard of this Italian, Bronte. Dutch introduced me to him last night. I spent all my time with him in his private box. He invited me to his home, for "listening to opera." Dutch thinks it's a great idea, that he will give me valuable gifts or information. But I don'tbelieve it one second. This man is scary. And we know very well what I'm really asked to do with him ..."

Charles remained silent, his gaze planted in the surrounding vegetation, now almost plunged into darkness.

"If Dutch is asking you ... Then he must believe that it is not dangerous." He said unconvincingly. I took a moment before answering.

"What would you do if he asked you to do something because of your skin color? "

He said nothing. What was there to say? He finally got up to search the bags of his horse, taking out two cans. Coming back to me, he handed me one.

"I'm not hungry.

- Come on, you have to eat something. When was the last time you did?"

Probably at lunch the day before. Then the girls tightened me in this corset and nothing was served to me at the party. I couldn't have swallowed anything anyway. Reluctantly, I grabbed the can he held out to me and took a bite. I chewed this indescribable food for a long time. I could hardly swallow as my throat was so tight. Delicately resting the box near me, I turned to my companion.

"Charles... Am I a teaser?

- I ... I think you're so used to see yourself as a boy that you don't realize that men see you as a woman." He replied after a few moments of reflection. "But does that make you a teaser? I don't think so.

- It's unfair. As a man, you can go into a saloon, do whatever you want with whoever you want. Meanwhile, I must pretend, what, that I am a saint? That I don't feel anything? And I'm not even a pretty girl, I don't dare imagine if that was the case. But we are all humans, we all have needs. I shouldn't have to apologize for that.

- Why are you pushing away the men of the camp then?

- You mean Micah? And Javier, once, when he was drunk.

- I am sure that even sober he would be ready for it."

I laughed softly.

"My rule is not to be too intimate with people I meet all the time. And...

- And?

- I like hunting. It would be too simple."

He looked surprised for a moment, before chuckling. We laughed together for a few moments, allowing me to release some pressure.

"We should try to get some sleep."

I slipped my sleeping bag, also soaked, under my head, trying to create a semblance of comfort. Without a word, Charles came to lie down next to me, his back against mine. Everything was good to take to counter the cold and humidity.

"I don't feel safe.

- You want me to go away?

- No, I mean, there, with the gang. What Dutch is asking... It's a lot.

- Stop worrying. Arthur is on your side, he won't let it happen. Same for Hosea. You'll see, we'll find a solution. Try to sleep now."

Unconvinced, I closed my eyes anyway, trying to calm my anxieties. The humidity gnawed at my bones. I shivered, but ended up falling into a dreamless sleep. Waking up in the night, I discovered that Charles had managed to start a fire. I smiled seeing these comforting flames before going back to sleep. 

I was no longer alone.

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