Chapter 30 - The Second announcement

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If you want some music to read along, Kaleo is definitively the official band for Charles and Anna relationship. Find the link here =>


I woke up alone. In the distance, I saw Charles chopping wood. The rage he put in it confirmed to me that he hadn't told me everything. I don't want to know, I don't want to know. But I had no choice. Ehawee walked over to me, a cup of coffee in hand.

"Charles wants to speak with you."

I took my courage in both hands and went to meet him.

"You have something to tell me?"

He looked at me and led me to a campfire a little away from the rest of the camp. He took a deep breath.

"I promised Arthur to get you back to a decent life.

- You did, you got me away from the gang, and now we're helping the tribe.

- It's not really the decent path, Anna."

He paused. This silence was killing me. I did not know where this conversation would lead us, but I felt it, it would be difficult to hear.

"A few weeks before we separated, Arthur came to see me, a newspaper in hand. There was an article, he immediately thought of you. He made me promise that if something happened to him, I would do anything to make his wish come true. The last time we saw each other, the night we brought Eagle Flies back, he reminded me of my promise. So, when we got here, I went to the post office and sent a letter. The answer came back to me yesterday, along with the news from the south."

He handed me an envelope. On it, the stamp of the University of Chicago. The letter was addressed to Dr. Charles Smith. I looked at him, puzzled.

"I don't understand.

- Open it."

Dear Dr. Smith.

Thank you for sending your protégé's application. As you know, we want to facilitate women's access to the medical profession, and your warm recommendation of Miss Anna Grey convinces us to count her among our students.

We therefore expect her from Monday 25 September for the start of the preparatory courses.

"The 25, it's...

- In a week, yes. Your train is leaving tomorrow. I settled everything."

I looked at him, shocked. What had he done? He was sending me thousands of miles away, deciding my future without talking to me first.

"But... What about you?

- I'll go down south, see what I can find out about the end of the other, providing a decent grave to those who need it.

- And then?

- Then I don't know, I may come back here, it's not yet fixed."

It was clear that I was not part of his future plans. White as a sheet, I got up and walked away, faster and faster. He called my name, but I fled into the forest, shocked, crying.

So it was over. He was the only link with my former life, the one that I chose. And here he was, sending me away, deciding for me. I was going to be alone. All his gestures, all his words... How could I have been so blind?

I couldn't breathe anymore. I stumbled on a root and found myself on the ground. I stayed there, lying by the stream, crying again and again. Ehawee soon joined me. She hugged me. Was it Charles who sent her, not wanting to show himself to me?

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