Chapter 56 - Until death do us part

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This marriage was nothing like the one I could have had by marrying Marc. Here, no preparations for months, no endless guest lists or unnecessary shopping. We just fixed a date with the priest and resumed our lives as if nothing had happened.

At the dawn of the decisive day, I even went for my rounds of patients, as if it were a day like any other. But when I got back to town, instead of opening my office, I went back to my room above the cafe to get ready. It was to be the last time I was going there, and I was delighted. More than anything, I was eager to join our house. My suitcases were ready, all I had to do was getting married.

This marriage was also unlike Abigail and John's. I hadn't bought a gorgeous new dress, and we weren't surrounded by all my friends. But all that didn't matter to me, I was finally going to link my life to Charles's.

Liz came to help me dress and do my hair. My dress was nothing spectacular. It was one I brought back from Chicago, it was a bit prettier than the others and I only wore it for special occasions, like the wedding at Beecher's Hope. The top was made of an ecru lace blouse, while the bottom was a long light blue skirt with decorative navy laces. Of course, the brooch Charles had given me adorned this outfit, placed over the heart as I always did. I also added a necklace that I had bought myself on the road for that day. To complete my outfit, Liz lent me a delicate comb decorated with pearls to maintain my bun.

I was all set. I just had to cross the road to find the one who was impatiently waiting for me. The main street was quiet that morning, the mild weather having pushed the workers to their work. We had chosen an unusual time for the ceremony on purpose, to be sure not to be disturbed by overly curious spirits.

There were two of us at the foot of the altar, surrounded by Joseph and Liz. A few villagers came, including the mayor and the sheriff, standing discreetly at the back of the church. They solemnly attended this special moment. A moment out of time, bathed in the grace that nature offered us.

The morning sun hit the stained-glass windows, bringing colors of indescribable softness into the sacred place. In my hands I held a bouquet of wildflowers picked the same day by Charles, who had carefully selected each stem.

It was simple but perfect. In my eyes, it was much more beautiful than the gilding and diamonds of a society wedding. I didn't care about the ceremony, I didn't care about the frills. I just wanted to unite with this man forever. And finally start our life together.


Our biggest expense that day was for the photographer Charles brought him in especially from the big city. He opened his mouth wide when he saw that we were a mixed couple, but that didn't seem to bother him too much. He was paid handsomely after all. We had added a few bucks for his silence. We didn't want the news to spread too quickly around the world.

Once the pictures were taken, I was dying to go and explore our house, but my now husband was making me languish. We first went to Liz and Joseph's, who had prepared a festive meal for us. The sheriff and the mayor were invited, as they appreciate us very much. Also came Nelly, the midwife with whom I got along well. We often had to collaborate, being the only two people in the region with medical skills.

After tasting our friend's cake, my prayers were finally answered. Charles loaded my bags into his cart before helping me climb up next to him. We left the city greeted by our friends. I was excited as a child at the thought of finally discovering my house. Charles was a little anxious that I didn't like it, but I reassured him. If there was a roof and four walls to protect us, that was all I needed.

Soon he entered a tree-lined secondary road. My eyes searched for the building behind every trunk, every branch. And suddenly there it was. A charming wooden construction. It was big enough and even had a second floor, I wasn't asking for that much. Further on I saw a barn and a coral where my mare were resting.

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