Chapter 47 - A big news

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The first rays of dawn took me out of my sleep. A smile curved my lips when I realized I was still in Charles's arms. With my hair down, I got up without waking him up. It was so rare that he slept like this. After years of constant vigilance, it seemed like his body was finally getting the rest it deserved.

Besides, I think it suited me that he was still sleeping. I was coward, I feared his reaction when he would woke up. What if he regretted it? After all, we had been drinking a lot. And he had kept pushing me away since I arrived. I didn't know where that night would take us and didn't want to find out, not right away. I preferred to walk away slowly.

I got dressed quietly before heading for the house. It was still early, but it was hard to believe that no one was awake. The noise that greeted me when I opened the door confirmed it. My friends were already busy making breakfast for everyone. They had been kind enough to leave us alone, pretending nothing had happened. Such thoughtfulness was unlike them, usually so teasing.

Charles was not long in joining us. I saw a few knowing smiles from my friends, but I pretended not to notice. We ate heartily, discussing everything and nothing. I finally look up at my lover. As usual, nothing showed of his emotions. He looked at me in turn. He wasn't cold, but he didn't give off anything in particular. I couldn't tell if he regretted it. Or if, on the contrary, he wanted more.

I returned to the discussion, deciding it could wait. There was no rush, I just had to enjoy the moment, surrounded by all my friends. Here in this ranch, everything seemed possible. I just breathed the joy of being alive.


After this meal, I had to leave, while the men got back to work. I kissed Abigail, making her promise to come to see me in town. I was convinced, life would be sweet now. I didn't know what my future would be with Charles, but I left the place with a light heart anyway.

Abigail kept her promise and often came to see me in town. I showed her the city, recommending her to all the merchants. Each time, we would chat for a long time over a tea or go for a walk along the lake. I enjoyed these special moments between us. They gave us the impression of finally being young women like any other.

She spoke to me of her joys and sorrows. Her fears too. John sometimes worked for Sadie, doing bounty hunting missions. This worried Abigail a lot, who wished he had only devoted himself to his honest work as a farmer. I reassured her the best I could. It was legal and he was not alone, Sadie was there to watch over him. And then, her dream had had a cost, it was now necessary to repay.


One day, she arrived in my office all excited. My last patient had barely left the door when she broke the big news to me. John had asked her to marry him. I hugged her, going into ecstasies with her. With tears in her eyes, she told me about the perfect day that her now fiancé had organized for her. They took a photo and went to the movies. Then he took her to the shore, where they borrowed a boat. At sunset, he proposed to her.

"John on a boat? He's still as smart as ever, you don't have to worry about that."

My remark made her laugh. I admired her ring, a thin golden ring topped with a red stone. She explained that it belonged to Arthur. He had given it to Mary many years ago. I smiled sadly. I knew him, he would have been proud of John. He had finally become the responsible man he wanted to see him be.

"A real marriage. I expected no more. Who knows, maybe it'll give Charles some ideas."

I rolled my eyes at her mischievous look. Ignoring her words, I began to tidy up my desk. I didn't want her to see the cloudiness that was blushing my cheeks. Yet I knew fully well that this idea would never come true. He was black, I was white. The law forbade us any union, any future.

Either way, we hadn't spoken since our night together. The days passed without my being able to see him again. I was very busy at the office, and he at the ranch. He rarely came to town, and I couldn't always get out in time to meet him. Once again, we had enjoyed the moment, not knowing if the other wanted more.

One morning, as I was standing in front of my office, I saw him across the street. He gave me a sign, smiling. Sadie was with him, urging him to get on his horse. They had to leave. He gave me an apologetic face before riding off with the young woman. Without worrying, I went back inside.

Yet, what they were about to do would have consequences on my future.

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