Chapter 52 - Happy Days

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Charles didn't let go of my hand until we were inside the house. He kissed my temple softly before walking down the hall to the living room, where happy sounds arose. I followed him, rubbing my tear-red eyes.

I sat down in one of the armchairs while our friends sang happily. My gaze met Abigail's, who winked at me. She understood, as always, the outcome of our face to face. Charles handed me a beer, standing next to me. His usual modesty kept him from sitting with me, but I didn't care. Knowing that he was close was enough for me. The song ended in the laughter of my friends, and I could finally ask.

"What are we celebrating?

- Our wedding? life? In the old days you didn't need a reason to party!"

I laughed softly before singing a song, the emotion still in my voice. But soon, everyone began to sing along, giving me the courage to continue. I looked at these faces one by one. My friends. My family. Life had been hard, and there was no doubt that it would bring us our share of suffering again, for so is life. But no matter what, I knew their friendship would follow me to the end.

Later, I sat on the porch with Abigail. One against the other, we observed the stars. I rested my head on her shoulder, enjoying her maternal warmth.

"That's it, you two finally came to your sense. And to think that I found John was long to make-up his mind."

I laughed softly at that remark.

"Yes, that's it. No more excuses, no more secrets. And yet, I'm sad... I know we'll have to go. In a fairer life, I would stay there with all of you. But let's not think about that now. You are going to marry John Marston. You have a beautiful ranch, a beautiful house, and the cutest child. You finally have the life you deserve."

She smiled, moved, then put her arm around my shoulder. We remained entwined like this for long minutes, before hearing the door open behind us. Charles stood there, looking at us in his quiet way. Abigail smiled, kissed my cheek, and stood up. She put her hand gently on Charles's shoulder before disappearing inside. He approached me.

"Let's go to sleep" he breathed, holding out his hand to me.


I woke up in his arms, more serene than ever. Great joy swept over me when I realized that for the rest of my life my mornings would be like this. But for now, I still had a painful mission to do. Once dressed, I kissed Charles. He prolonged the kiss, hugging me a little tighter, as if he feared I wouldn't come back. As if I would change my mind. I was the one to stop the exchange, running my hand tenderly across his cheek.

"I come back real soon."

I placed a quick kiss on his lips before stepping onto my mare, launching her at a gallop towards town. The day ahead would not be pleasant, but it was the right thing to do. I gave myself courage thinking about my lover and our future life.


"Life won't be easy with him, you're aware of that?

- I know."

Behind the closed door of our office, I had announced my decision to Marc. Of course, he understood that something was going on between Charles and me. He was not stupid. I had avoided him since that famous evening when he discovered, stunned, that Charles had the score for this music that I kept playing in Chicago.

He had guessed everything, yet he had continued to hope. Now I was destroying his dreams for the future. His gray blue eyes were cold. I expected to see more sadness in them, but he contained his emotions, probably thanks to the anger he must have been feeling for me at the moment.

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