Chapter 9 - Bison

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The weeks passed and Arthur's wounds eventually healed, but he was still not ready to go back to his former misdeeds. For his first outing, Charles offered him to come hunting bison with us. I was excited, I had never seen them up close. These beasts generally avoided approaching Valentine, where human restlessness was too strong, and my father preferred to hunt in the forests north of the city rather than on the great plains.

"You know, it was before my time, of course, but my mother used to tell me stories on how her tribe moved with the bison. They lived almost as one. Where the bison went, my people went. They were the center of all life, we couldn't survive without them. There was a lot of respect...

- I don't remember much of my childhood but my people, we pretty much moved with the whisky.

- Ahaha, well my father did that too."

It was the first time I heard Charles talk about his parents. He always seemed more talkative alongside Arthur, revealing himself without hesitation. The latter had even managed to make him laugh with his silly comment on whiskey. So his father was drinking. The more I spent time with them, the more I realized the happy childhood I had.

After hours of riding, we finally spotted what we were looking for. Charles spoke, sparkles in his eyes."Over there, you see them all? Incredible, aren't they? We should kill only one of them."

I was galloping alongside Charles, leaving Arthur the honor of killing one. Watching them was enough for me, and I almost didn't want to chase them after the almost sacred way Charles had spoken of them. Soon we were riding among these majestic beasts. Their size impressed me, and I had to constantly reassure my mare who did not seem to appreciate their company too much. It didn't take long for Arthur to shot down one. He always impressed me with his shooting skills, the best among the gang. The best I've ever seen.

I got off my horse to approach the beast on the ground. I felt ridiculously small by its side. I stroked its fur as Arthur began to remove the interesting parts. I returned to my horse, smiling at Charles. I was delighted with this outing. Traveling the plains thrilled me. But the man seemed concerned. He had spotted vultures and wanted to know what had attracted them. As Arthur climb back on his horse, we headed to the scavengers, only to discover a dreadful scene.

"Look, bison. Shoot and left for dead,

- Could it have been an animal?

-No, they've been shot. I just don't know why anybody would just leave them to rot like that...

- It doesn't make sense, even the most barbaric hunter from my place wouldn't have made such a mess." I declared, as we advanced, finding more and more corpses. Inspecting an old camp, we decided to go after these men.

"Bastards, just killing for fun

- You think we can talk?

- I don't kill for fun, I kill when I need to."

Discovering another corpse, Charles speeded up his mount, galloping like crazy towards the smoke we could see in the distance. I clung to my mare's mane as she followed the frantic pace of its fellows. When we reached the camp, I tensed. Charles, usually so calm and thoughtful, walked frantically towards the strangers, with an expression that I didn't know he had.

"Did you fool shoot those bison?

- What's your problem?

- I said, did you fools shoot those bison?

- Calm down, you black or red bastard, whatever the fuck you are.

- Did you shoot them?

- Yeah, we did. We shoot them bison and we will shoot you too if you don't get.

- What business of is it of yours what we...


I couldn't help a slight cry from my throat. I put my hand to my mouth. Charles had just blown the brains of the more vindictive of the two. He was screaming now. A shiver ran through me. I had never seen this aspect of his personality. In this instant, I found him terrifying.

The other man was begging for his life. Arthur grabbed him by the collar and bullied him for answers. They had been paid to pretend that the bison had been killed by Indians. For what purpose, I never understood.

"Just kill him Arthur"

I looked up at Charles. I never imagined that of him. Killing in cold blood. I tended to forget who these men were. We would hang around only in the camp security, or hunting. I had never seen their real faces, the ones that were wanted in many States. Arthur released the man, much to Charles's displeasure. He angrily declared he was going back to the camp. I decided to stay with Arthur, watching him search the camp while I stood there, still shaken by what had just happened.

"You'll have to toughen up, that's our life. Better get used to it. 

- I know, and I accept it. It's just that... I don't know. He says he only kills when necessary, then he shoots this guy and wants you to kill the other one. Oh, sure, it's not a big loss. But, I dunno. I mean, I don't like to see animals killed and left to rot for nothing. But kill a man for that, I don't know.

- We all have our wounds Anna. Haven't you planted a knife in the hand of a poor drunk? You could have asked the bartender to take him out, as you could have let us save your sister without coming, or not intervene at Valentine. And yet, you too have chosen violence."


Later, I joined Charles who was dining by the fire. When I asked him if he was okay, he replied with a monosyllable. Charles the stoic was back.

I couldn't question him any further, Sean and Javier having joined us. Micah soon arrived too, a sly smile on his face. Javier was his target that evening, telling him among other nasty things to return to Mexico. The answer was immediate. With a punch, he put him on the ground.

"You hit like you dress Javier, feminine.

- So, a woman can knock you down, Mister Bell?

- I'm the one who's going to put you on the ground Missy if you keep going.

- My knife would love it."

He grunted before walking away. Charles looked at me.

"You should be careful with Micah, he's not one to stop there.

- Don't worry, I know this kind of guy. When they boast like that, they are not dangerous. Believe me, it's when men are silent that you must beware.

- You really have to beware of Charles then, he never says anything." Sean said. The man rolled his eyes and left the campfire while I laughed.

"Well you're not totally wrong, I've seen how he is when he's pissed, believe me, I will never try to mess up with him."

We spent the night laughing, Javier playing music softly. Everything was fine between us, there had been no awkward moments since the last party. I even wondered if he remembered hitting on me. Uncle was telling stories, constantly interrupted by Sean. The latter was very expansive and exhausting but enlivened our evenings. Karen came and sat on his laps, we were singing, we were drinking, unknowingly enjoying our last moments of innocence...


Here it is. This is a shorter chapter, I hesitated for a while before splitting it from the next chapter. I struggled a bit with these two, they link with the next part of the story and give some glimpse on Anna's personality. But at the same time I find them kinda boring aha. 

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