Chapter 1: Lunch

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Word Count: 821 words


The meeting between the Hashiras was finally put into a closure, you were talking to Rengoku a while ago, and now you're on your way to grab lunchbox, when you heard someone call out your name.

"Y/N!" Your best friend, Mitsuri, called you, waving her hand at you as she approached you.

You turned around greeting your best friend with a smile, the love pillar's eyes shone.

"Hello, Misturi" You greeted back

"Do you want to eat lunch together?" She asked, energetic and happy as usual, as she held your arm, anticipated for an answer.

"Rengoku-kun is also joining us, if you don't mind.."

You thought for a while,

You wanted to eat with your other best friend, Giyuu, but he didn't seem to invite you to eat with him, so you decided to accept the Love Pillar's request

"Sure. I would love to." I smiled at her

"Great! I'll see you later, Y/N!" Mitsuri smiled as she walked off to talk to the other Hashiras.

You started to walk off to grab your lunchbox once again, as you felt a hand on your arm

You turned around, and your heartbeat started to accelerate your hands started to sweat, and you felt your cheeks heat up.

"Oh, why hello there, Giyuu." You said, a smile was plastered across your face

"Y/N.. Do you have anyone to eat lunch with..?" He asked quietly

He wasn't really a social person, he has a few friends amongst the pillars, but he wasn't really the type of person to blabber alot about his day to other people.

"Oh.. Yes. I'm eating with Mitsuri-chan and Rengoku-kun.. Would you want to join us?" You said, feeling guilty, for you didn't know he was going to ask.

"Oh sure.. I'll join you two." He said, his expression, his usual cold, emotionless tone.

"Oh great. I'll see you later..?"

"Yeah, see you later." He said walking off, as Shinobu, the insect pillar started talking to him.

You have to admit, you were jealous. But, you shouldn't be, because you don't like him that way.. Right?

"I saw that.." You heard a familiar tone behind your back, you turned around and saw Rengoku and Mitsuri smirking at you

"..Eh? Saw what..?" You said, blushing a bit for you know what they're talking about.

"Don't act silly Y/N.. We saw you talking to Tomioka-san a while ago." The Love Pillar teased, wiggling her eyebrows

You can't help but blush

"He asked if he can join us on lunch, that's it.."

"He's totally interested in you." The Flame Pillar teased along, nudging you playfully

"..He's not! We're just friends, that's all. And plus, he's probably interested on Shinobu-san or something.." You said trailing off at the last sentence.

"Just friends.. Hm.. I smell cap, right, Rengoku?"

Renguko laughed and nodded.

"Stop joking around, let's just go now. I'm getting hungry." You said, trying to avoid the topic.

"Sure, go grab your lunchbox, we'll be joining later." Mitsuri said, leaving with Rengoku


"Y/N!" The two pillars called you as you made your way to eat lunch with them.

You quickly ran over to them as you sat next to Rengoku.

"Sorry, I took so long. I had to use the bathroom." You said

The three of you started talking, as you noticed a familiar silhouette heading towards you three.

Mitsuri gave you a teasing stare, and you blushed a bit.

"Hey! Tomioka-san. Glad you made it." Rengoku greeted the Water Pillar.

He didn't answer.. He just sat down beside me.

That seems odd, usually he's happy to eat with us.


"Itadakimasu!" The four of us greeted and then we started to eat.

"Y/N.." Giyuu called out for me quietly

"Hm?" You said grabbing your chopsticks

"Ah~" He said bringing up his chopsticks to my mouth

I blushed a bit before eating the food that was brought up to my mouth

He smiled at me and continued eating his food

I then noticed Mitsuri and Rengoku silently freaking out and giving each other a high five

I blushed harder

We continued to eat in silence

Once we finished we all packed up our lunchboxes and chopsticks and stood up.

"Thanks for having me eat with you guys." I smile at Rengoku and Mitsuri

"You're welcome, Y/N~" They both greeted

As I started to walk back to my home to place back my lunchbox, I saw Giyuu, staring at me

I blushed a bit and looked at him, giving him a smile.

I noticed his cheeks, had a slight tint of pink than usual.

"Let's do this more often, Y/N~" He said, smiling a bit

"Sure." I smiled a him

He smiled once more, then walked off.

I felt my cheeks heating up, I wanted to squeal

But we're only friends right?


-Araxx (changbinppang)

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