Chapter 24: First Date (1)

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Word Count: 899 words

~Third Person~

It was a typical Friday morning for the Hashiras

There was nothing much to do, as others were on their missions

For Y/N and Giyuu, it was really a big day for both of them

It's their first date today.

It wasn't like the two haven't been hanging out, going somewhere when it's only the two of them

But what made it special was they were official

For the both of them, their relationship really took one step forward

It was both a new thing for them, and they weren't really used to this kind of feeling.

But it was good feeling.

"Should I pick her up now?" Giyuu raced along his house

He didn't really say any specific time, so he was in a panic

"But it's only 10 AM." He gave himself a small whisper as he stared at the ticking clock at his walls

"Maybe later, at like 10:30 or something. Maybe that time, yeah maybe." He exhaled, and plopped on his bed

While Giyuu was in a state of panic, Y/N on the other hand, was calmly fixing herself up, with Mitsuri by her side

"So this is your first date, huh?"

"Yeah, like ever. Before I became a Hashira, nobody was really interested in me." She shrugged and started to examine her closet on what she would wear

"Huh? Why? You're so pretty." The Love Pillar asked her best friend

"It's probably showed no interest in love that time." She replied, finally pulling out her decided clothing

"How about you and Rengoku? Have you been to a date ever since you two got official?"

"We haven't. We've only been together for like a week, but I would love to go on a date with him."

"Why don't you ask him?"

"Sounds like a plan." Mitsuri chirped up

As Y/N changed into her clothes, Mitsuri helped her, which she thanked her after.

"Y/N! Y/N! Can I do your hair?" Mitsuri asked, while admiring her bestfriend's outfit

"Yeah sure. Be free to do whatever you want." Y/N smiled at her

"I have the perfect hairstyle for you~" She giggled and got on going to style her hair


A small knock was soon heard

"I'll go get the door for you." Mitsuri said, standing up

"Are you done with my hair?"

"Yeah, I just have to place your clips on your hair."

Y/N smiled and grabbed the mirror from her bedside table

She smiled and admired her hair

It was half up, half down bun, blue and white ribbons were thread through her hair

"Y/N! Your date has arrived." Mitsuri smiled and led Giyuu inside her bedroom

"Woah, Y/N.. You're so.." Giyuu didn't help but trail off his sentence,

"Hey Giyuu, I hope you don't mind waiting for a few more minutes, Mitsuri needs to add some final touches to my hair" She smiles at him

"I don't mind." He smiles and sits on her bed.

"Thank you, Giyuu." Mitsuri gave him a small smile


"Have fun you two!" Mitsuri waved at them as they both walked off

"Thank you, Mitsuri." Y/N smiled and waved back

The two started walking together, the silence between them was comfortable

"So, to the tea shop again?" Giyuu said, breaking the silence between them squeezing Y/N's hand.

"Of course." Y/N giggled

Giyuu couldn't help but stare at her,

"Why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer." Y/N giggled when she noticed Giyuu staring at her

"You're so beautiful, Y/N~" He smiled at her, making Y/N's cheek turn red

"Thank you, Giyuu. You quite have outdone yourself with your godly looks again." She complimented back

"My looks aren't godly." The Water Hashira blushed and looked away

"Tch, you just don't see how I see you." She rolled her eyes as they continued on walking to their date

"Same as my point of view towards you." He protested

She blushed

As the two walked together, hands intertwined as the cool afternoon breeze blew by

"I'm glad you agreed. Today's the best day to go on a date."

"When was the time I said no to you?" Y/N joked

"Now that I think about it, you never did."

"Exactly, you know i'm not the person to say no to someone like you."

"That's what I like about you, you have a big heart."

"I guess people haven't been nice to you, hm?"

"Nah, I was constantly ignored by everyone until you arrived. I guess I was that intimidating to talk to."

"When I first met you, you looked like a very nice person tho."


"L/N-san, this is Giyuu Tomioka, he's our Water Pillar." Mitsuri said, introducing Giyuu

"Nice to meet you." Y/N extended her hand to shake

"Same to you." Giyuu said blankly, shaking her hand.

"Tomioka-san, you should smile more, you'll get wrinkles if you keep frowning." The new Hashira smiled at him

He gave her a small smile

"That's better!" She giggled

"L/N-san! We better get going, I need to introduce you to the others."

"Oh, ok. See you around Tomioka-san!" She smiled and waved at him

"See you."

~End of flashback~

"Well, i'm glad I met you."

"Me too."

(A/N: There will be a part two!)

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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