Chapter 2: Friend?

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Word Count: 860 words


I arrived at my home, I quietly entered my household. It was pretty silent, for no one was living with me. I did invite Mitsuri and Rengoku over sometimes to hangout, but most of the time, Giyuu was over to hangout.

We were friends for a while, he was pretty tense at first. But once we got to know each other, we got comfortable with one another.

We had this unbreakable bond as friends. We never had some big fights, we did have some mini arguments then and there, but we usually make up after.

I was preoccupied by my thoughts, when I heard a soft knock on my door

I quickly stood up and opened the door, I was pleasantly surprised for what I saw by my door step

"Hi, Y/N~" Giyuu greeted

"Oh, Giyuu.." I blushed a bit "Come on in, I wasn't expecting anyone, so i'm just going to clean up-"

"No need to clean up, I just came over to chill.." He said, going inside, and sitting on one of the chairs

I made some tea for the both of us, while he just sat there, staring at my walls.

Once I finished, I walked over to him and sparked up a conversation with him

"What brings you here..?" I said sitting down handing him a cup of tea

He nodded at me and drank some tea before answering

"Oyakata-sama said I have a mission with Shinobu-san, a week from now."

I almost choked on my tea.

"Are you ok, Y/N?"

I coughed for a bit and looked at him dead in the eye

"W-why are you telling me that?"

He just sipped his tea, and closed his eyes, sighing.

I asked him then again,

"Giyuu, why are you telling me this?"

"Just so you're well aware and won't find me if i'm gone."

Such a concerned bean.


I was just sipping my tea in silence, my thoughts were eating my alive, I didn't even notice that Giyuu was there.



"Do you want to hangout at the nearby tea shop tomorrow?"

My cheeks immediately flushed red.

"Are you sure you want to hangout, I mean you might be busy.."

"No I have time, promise." He smiled at me

"So you want to go?"

"Uh yea sure." I said smiling at him

"I'll pick you up at 2 PM tomorrow."

"Sounds good."

He smiled small and just stared at the walls, sipping his tea.

When he would glance at me occasionally, I felt my heart race and my cheeks grow hot.

Meanwhile his words were repeating in his head over and over

"Just so you're well aware and won't find me if i'm gone."

Am I being that obvious?

Wait, what obvious? I don't even like him..

Well whatever i'm feeling now is just a friend thing right?

I remember my heart dropping when he said that he has a mission with Shinobu-san.

Shinobu is one of my good friends, we don't talk that much, but we're in good terms, she joins Mitsuri and I hangout sometimes.

But I always noticed her flirting with Giyuu, how she wraps her arms around his shoulders, how she touches his arm when he talks to her. It pisses me off sometimes.

But who was I kidding?

Giyuu probably likes her. He enjoys her company. I'm just a friend to him, nothing more.

I was abruptly interrupted from my thoughts


"Are you ok?"

"Yes, i'm fine.. I'm just thinking.." I said sipping some tea

"You look sad. Are you sure you're okay?"


"If you need to talk to someone, i'm just here, ok?" He said staring onto my e/c eyes.

"Yeah.. I know that." I force out a smile.

For a while we were joking around and laughing at each other, I would fondly look at him from time to time.

And then, my clock showed that it was already 6 PM.

"I should get going now.. It's getting dark." He said standing up and handing me his empty cup of tea.

"Oh ok." I said standing up with him and walking towards the door and opening it for him

"See you tomorrow, Giyuu~"

"See you tomorrow, Y/N." He said smiling as I close the door behind him,

Immediately I slid down the door and curled into a ball and placed my head between my knees.

Why was I afraid of commitment?

If I would just tell him easily that I like him,

But he might reject me and ruin our friendship.

Who am I kidding? No one likes me.

I'm just a normal person, that's a Demon Slayer that have best friends.


I was now laying down in bed, thoughts running in my head.

I want to tell Giyuu that I like him, but I don't know how.

Well I think it's better to have the mentality that we're friends only.. Right?

Less drama. Less mess made.

But I have this thought that was running through my head for a while now.



More than friends?

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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