Chapter 25: First Date (2)

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(A/N: Part two of their first date.)

Word Count: 899 words

~Third Person~

The two were talking about the memories they formed together when they weren't really that close

"Remember when I joined you for lunch that time? You shoud've seen your face!"


"Hey L/N-san, you want to join us for lunch?" Mitsuri gave me a small smile, Rengoku stood beside her with a small smile

"Ah, sure. Thank you, you're so nice~" She smiles and follows them both

Once the three of them settled, Y/N sits in between both of them, but seems to notice someone sitting alone

"Mitsuri-san?" Y/N immediately placed her chopsticks back in place

"Yes, L/N-san? Is there a problem?"

"I hope you don't mind, but is it ok if I actually eat lunch with Tomioka-san? He seems really lonely."

"Ah, he usually sits alone, but your choice. Just come back here if he rejects your offer." Mitsuri smiles

"Alright, thank you for understanding." She smiles back and stands up to walk over to Giyuu sitting alone

"Hey Tomioka-san! You seem really lonely, can I eat lunch with you?" She shows her lunchbox

Giyuu's eyes widen, and he can't help but blush a little bit

"U-uh, sure." He stuttered

"Ah great, thanks." She giggles and sits down beside him

"You don't have anyone to eat lunch with?" She adds and picks up her chopsticks

He just shakes his head

"You're really silent, Tomioka-san. You should talk often, and also, quit frowning, you look really scary." She giggles

"I will, thank you L/N-san." He smiles a bit

~end of flashback~

"I was just surprised." He protested

"You were really lonely before I arrived, haven't you?"


"It's ok, i'm here anyways." She smiles

"Thanks Y/N." He gave himself a small smile, he really did pick the perfect one.

They continue walking towards the small tea shop

"I think we went to that tea shop alot of times, the workers probably know our names."

"I heard the owner also knows us."

"That's cool, their tea if just so good."

"We should go there more times."

"Indeed." Giyuu approves Y/N's request


The small bell above the door chimed as Giyuu opened the door

"After you."

"Why thank you." Y/N giggles and enters

"Oh look, it's our favorite customers." The cashier by the counter gave the both a smile.

"Giyuu and Y/N, right?" One of the workers that makes the teas wave at us

"Hey guys, it's been a while." The Winter Hashira gave them a small smile

"Been busy with missions?" The cashier asked


"And what would you two get?" She asked in an extra question

"The usual." The two both said at the same time

She smiles and rings them up

Y/N was about to reach for her purse when Giyuu grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"Don't worry, i'm paying." He smiles and grabs his money from his wallet

"You don't have to-"

"I insist."

He gives the payment and the cashier gave him his change

"Your orders will be given to you two in just a few minutes, you guys can take a seat if you guys would like."

"Thank you~" Y/N smiled at the cashier and went on to take a seat with Giyuu

"Thank you guys, come again!" The workers waved at the two before they left

The two gave them a small wave and proceeded on walking home

"That was a fun date, Giyuu. Thanks for asking me."

"No problem, babe."

Y/N blushed at the nickname and looked away

"Am I not allowed to call you that?" He asked, cocking his head at the side

"I'm just not used to it." She blushed even more

He swung his arm around her shoulder, giving Y/N a small wink

"Y'know, I didn't really have this amount of confidence, till I met you, honestly."

"How come? When I first met you, you seem like a nice person."

"Well, I guess the other Hashiras don't see that. They tell me i'm cold and emotionless all the time."

"Nah, for me you're perfect." Y/N winks making Giyuu blush

"Y/N~ you're too sweet~"

"I am your sweetheart anyways~" She giggles and gives Giyuu a small peck on the lips

"That's what I like about you~" Giyuu smiles and attaches their lips together

The kiss was sweet, both were blushing and awkward but it was an adorable moment for the two

Once they pulled away, Y/N giggled and poked Giyuu's cheeks

"It's rare that I see you blush Giyuu.."

"Oh stop it, Y/N~"

"What it's true!" She laughs, making Giyuu laugh as well, her laugh is contagious

As they walked home their hand latched onto one another, the cool breeze blew onto their faces

"Ah~ so cool~" Y/N giggled and enjoyed the cool breeze

"Hey Y/N~"

"Hm, yeah?"

"You want to sleep at my place later, i'll give you loads and loads of cuddles."

"Thought you would never ask, I was feeling lonely the pass few nights, I wanted a cuddle from you"

"So you will?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Is that a yes?"

"Of course it is"

He smiles widely and gives her a tight hug

"Thanks for the day todsy, i'll never forget it."

"Anything for you."

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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