Chapter 26: Safety

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Word Count: 878 words


I woke up with warmth surrounding me

I yawn and slowly opened my eyes, seeing arms wrapped around my body, I smiled for I know who it was

"Are you awake?" A gentle voice soon followed

"Yeah" I stretched my arms and sat up

"Good morning, baby." He smiled and hugged me tighter

"Good morning~" I giggle and looked at him.

We were both enjoying the moment when suddenly both of our crows went through Giyuu's window

"Wake up! Wake up!"

"Oyakata-sama wants a meeting with the Hashiras!" Loud squaks weren't the best thing to be heard first thing in the morning

"We're awake." We both let out a loud groan and started getting ready


"There will be a new mission, for man-eating demons are lurking around the city, and people have gone missing."

"For this mission, I will be choosing a pair that I think will have to practice their virtue of teamwork and cooperation." Oyakata-sama announced while he was staring at us

I was in between Mitsuri and Rengoku, I wasn't really paying attention to anything.

I mean, I had a mission last week, why would I have a mission again this week?

"The pair we're having is Shinobu and Y/N."

My eyes widen, I wasn't really in good terms with Shinobu, we had a lot of beef regarding Giyuu

I don't really know how this will work out, who knows.

We might end up killing each other before we get any demons,

But I have to, for the safety of the people, and it was my job as a Demon Slayer anyways.

I'll just act professional about it

"I am able to follow your orders, Oyakata-sama." I smiled and nodded

"I will be able to cooperate with L/N-san, Oyakata-sama."

Mitsuri gave me a hard nudge on the side

I gave her a glance that said 'I'll explain'

She nodded and looked forward again

"That's the end of our meeting, I hope all of have a good day." Oyakata-sama announced and left

Once they left, Mitsuri stood there infront of me and crossed her arms

"I just can't say no? Right?"

"I swear to God, Y/N. I don't trust that girl, remember all that beef you had?"

"But this is our job right? We shouldn't drag our personal matters here."

"What if she starts a fight with you? You know how dangerous she is?" She said worringly, placing her hands on my shoulders

I smile and remove my hands from her shoulder and hold it

"Trust me, Mitsuri-chan. I don't think Shinobu-san is that feral to start a fight with me while we're fighting demons."

I felt an arm wrapped around my shoulders

"Well, if you say so, but i'm worried with you, Y/N." Mitsuri said, seeing Rengoku walking towards her

"Yeah, we're all worried about you, Y/N, especially Giyuu." Rengoku added

I gave them a small smile

"I promise i'll be safe." I faced Giyuu and he looked bothered

"You okay babe?" I brushed some stray hair off his face, I was worried for him

"I'm just worried about you." He pouted and gave me a tight hug.

I giggled and returned the hug

"Don't worry, I'll be safe."


"Y/N~ Do you really have to go so soon?" Mitsuri whined giving me a tight hug

"I'll be back sooner then~" I giggled and hugged back

"I'll miss you, Y/N~ stay safe always." She tightened the hug

"I'll miss you too~ update me on what happens between you and Rengoku once I come back." I smile and pulled away from the hug

"I'll fill you in the moment you return." She winked and giggled

"Goodluck Y/N, stay safe." Rengoku pulled me into a hug as well

"Thanks, Rengoku, I will." I hugged back

Once we pulled away, I approached Giyuu and smiled a bit

"Y/N.. Do you best, ok? Goodluck baby." He smiles sadly

"I will, I promise. I'll miss you, baby."

"I'll miss you too." He smiles wider and pulls me into a sweet kiss

I kissed back sweetly, I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach, and my I felt my cheeks heat up

As we pulled away, I giggled and unclipped one of my clips from my hair, just like before.

"Here, I know you'll miss me." I placed the clip on the palm of his hand

"Thank you, baby." He gave the clip a tight grip

"Make sure you stay safe ok? I'll be waiting for you by the gates when you come back." He added and looked into my eyes, swiping the excess hair from my face

"I will be looking forward to that." I giggled

Once Shinobu arrived, I gave her a small nod signalling I was ready to leave

I gave Giyuu one last peck on the cheek, and exited the gates of the Demon Slayer Corps

I gave them a small wave when I turned around and saw them waving

"Do your best, Shinobu-san." I gave her a small smile

Surprisingly she looks at me and smiles back at me.

"Same to you, L/N-san."

Maybe she isn't so bad afterall.

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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