Chapter 9: Interest?

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Word Count: 874 words


"Would you stop flirting with her, can't you see, she's uncomfortable!?"

"Why are you so concerned? Do you like her or something?"

"No, she's only my best friend. But I want to defend her."

"Oh yeah, I forgot. You like Shinobu-san, right?"

"Sanemi! It's supposed to be a secret!"

I saw the hurt in Y/N's eyes, she looked like she was about to break

"So you do admit it-"

"Let me go!" She snapped and got off Sanemi's grasp

"Woah woah, what's with you Y/N? Are you jealous~" Sanemi teased

She rolled her eyes and ran off,

"Y/N wait!"

"Don't talk to me!"


"Y/N?" I looked at Y/N sitting at the roof of her house, playing with her hair as she stared into the night sky

"What do you want, Giyuu?" She looked down at me

"Just wanted to talk.. That's all." I shrugged

"Come up here then."

I immediately jumped and sat beside her, she was still staring at the night sky her eyes twinkling

"Y/N, about what Sanemi said, I-"

"I don't want to talk about it." She said, putting her head down

"..Oh sorry.." I said quietly

"You didn't tell me.." She said, her voice cracking

"I'm sorry Y/N, I didn't know how to tell you yet.."

"It's so funny how you told me that I can trust you, but you won't tell me anything?!" She said, looking at me

I wanted to tell her, that I was lying, I didn't want to admit that I liked her. So I lied, I told Sanemi that I like Shinobu

"I'm sorry Y/N"

"A sorry doesn't fix anything Giyuu. I really had to find out through Sanemi.. Hm?"

"And if he didn't say that, I wouldn't have known, correct?"

I didn't answer

"You're hopeless to talk to." She got up and was about to jump down when I grabbed her hand

"Y/N, wait!"

"Why don't you hang out with Shinobu? You like her right?"

I felt my heart crack, did it really impact her that much

"You broke our promise Giyuu, remember? So please, just.. Let it go." She said looking at me, there were already some tears that fell from her eyes

I grasped her hand tighter

"I'll make it up to you Y/N."

She laughed

"You're probably tired from your mission Giyuu."

I just looked at her and slowly removed my hand from her wrist

She hopped down, I soon followed.

"Goodnight Giyuu."

She said, walking in her household before I even said goodnight

I looked back at her house one last time, before walking back to my house quietly.

I look around the estates, I saw Tanjiro, talking to Shinobu at her roof, Tanjiro seems like a nice guy, he loves his sister so much.

When I saw both of them at my mission, I can't help but feel bad for trying to kill her before.

She even refused to bite Sanemi when he stabbed her at least three times and let her go to his cut arm to see if she'll bite him.

I learned that he had two more people with him, a boy that was almost turned into a spider, I believe his name was Zenitsu?

And the dude with the boar like headwear, I heard that Inosuke was his name? Very interesting.

Once I reached my house, I entered, I didn't even bother to open the lights, I walked over to my bed and sat down on it.

I stared at the walls, zoning off. I couldn't sleep, she was on my mind, even if I try to sleep, she'll be on my mind

I started to try to occupy myself by digging into my drawer,

I saw some envelopes and some papers, I also saw some pictures of the Hashiras and I.

But then I spot something in the corner of my eye.

Y/N's snowflake clip!

I quickly grabbed it, being cautious not to drop it, I heard it was fragile, like her heart.

I examined the clip closely, it was truly beautiful,

The small patterns imprinted inside the clip, it was like small snowflakes inside the glass chamber that was the clip itself.

I didn't get why she would use glass clips, she wears these when there's a special event or when she's about to go in a mission.

She usually wears a plastic blue snowflake clip on a normal day.

Yes, I know a lot of things about her. She's basically my only best friend. She was there for me when I was down, she gave the best advice.

She basically help me to socialize more and believe in myself better,

Eventually, through our friendship I slowly fell for her. I mean who wouldn't fall for someone like her.

She's beautiful, and has a wonderful personality.

It's just sad that I need to keep this a secret because it might ruin our friendship.

Next time, when the perfect time comes. I'll tell her what I feel, and accept the outcome whether good or bad.

But now I have a problem, my interest in Shinobu can be a good cover up.

We'll see what happens.

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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