Chapter 4: Broken Promise

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Word Count: 889 words


A few hours had passed and Giyuu and I made our way back to the pillars

"Y/N!" Mitsuri immediately jumped into my arms and I gave her a tight hug

"Hey Mitsuri-chan" I gave her a bright smile

"Where were you? I was so worried when Tomioka-san started dragging you." She said giving Giyuu a cold glare

I laughed a bit

"Just somewhere.. It's really not that important." I smiled, tucking some hair behind my ear.

"I thought you would never return" She said, giving me another tight hug, I just laughed and hugged her back

"Of course I would, I wouldn't want to leave you worrying."

She just giggled

"So, you'll join Renguko-kun and I eat lunch again?"

I was about to answer when I felt an hand on my shoulder

"I would love if I could join again. Can I?" I heard a familiar deep voice

"Of course you could, Tomioka-san! You're always welcome to join us anytime-"

"Tomioka-san!" I heard a familiar voice from behind us

I immediately turned my head around and saw Shinobu-san running toward us

"Would you want to eat lunch with me?" Her eyes were tinkling, I couldn't help to remove myself from Giyuu's grasp and walk towards Mitsuri

Mitsuri and I gave each other looks and I immediately started dragging her away from this scene, it makes me so tense.

"Y/N-chan!" Mitsuri yelped, and I immediately removed my hand from her wrist.

"Sorry, does it hurt?"

"No, I was just surprised." She said shaking her wrist

"Let's just go.. I'm getting tense"

She smiled and gave me a pat on the back

"We'll meet you at our spot. See you later Y/N."

I just smiled, looked back at them, and walked off.


I sat quietly beside Rengoku and Mitsuri

"You ok, Y/N?" Rengoku said, concern lacing in his voice.

"Yea.." I said trailing off, playing with my chopsticks

"Y/N witnessed something earlier.." Mitsuri told Rengoku

"What was it Y/N?"

I inhaled and let out all of my feelings, my voice shaking and my eyes were watering, I looked stupid. Acting like an actual child.

We aren't dating in the first place, so why was I feeling like this?

I was then engulfed in a group hug, I smiled a bit and hugged the two back.

"What you're feeling is completely understandable, Y/N. Just remember, we're always here for you ok? If you need to talk to someone." Rengoku said, giving me a small smile.

"Thanks guys~" I said, wiping some stray tears from my face.

"Let's quit the bad vibes huh? You two have a mission in two days, lift you spirits hm?" Mitsuri smiled at me

The three of us giggled


We ate lunch together, but it felt empty, as for Giyuu didn't show up. Maybe he chose to hang out with her. It was obvious anyways.


I was now in my home, I didn't forget that today, Giyuu invited me over to that small tea shop.

I changed my clothing into something more presentable, slipping on my shoes, and grabbing my wallet.

I was now seated by the door, the wall clock that was by my wall read '2:05'

That's weird, he's supposed to pick me up at 2:00..

Then the realization hit me..

He forgot about it..

He was probably too busy hanging out with Shinobu-san and took her out instead.

'He's your friend, he won't forget about it.. Right?'

My mind was like a ticking time bomb, every second passed by. Still no sign of him.

My head perked up immediately when I heard a soft knock on my door

I opened the door with a smile plastered across my face. But my face fell when I saw Mitsuri and Rengoku by my doorstep.

"You're dressed quite nicely at this hour, Y/N-chan. What's the occasion?"

My lips started trembling and I fell on the floor, and cried.

"Y/N!?" Rengoku and Mitsuri immediately went inside, closing the door behind them and kneeling infront of me.

"He p-promised.." I choked out, tears were already running down my cheeks, my heart felt like it was stomped over and over.

"Promised what?" Rengoku said, lifting my face up and wiping some tears off my face

"He.. Promised.. To.. Hangout.." I said sniffling between words.

"Oh my gosh! Rude! What kind of gentleman would break his own promise! You don't deserve him girl!" Mitsuri said, immediately hugging me

Rengoku then joined in, comforting me.

"I d-don't deserve y-you guys." I said, hugging them tighter

They just hugged me tight, rubbing my back, until I slowly calmed down.


"Are you okay now, Y/N-san?" My best friend asked, sitting beside me handing me a cup of tea.

"A little bit, thank you so much guys. I really mean it."

"No problem girl, we were worried because we saw Tomioka-san with Shinobu-san-"

Rengoku's hand quickly made it's way on Mitsuri's mouth

I laughed a bit

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry I said that, I was carried away!" Mitsuri said bowing several times, apologizing.

"It's ok" I smiled at her small

I guess promises are meant to be broken..

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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