Chapter 29: Plans

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(A/N: Second the last chappy :3)

Word Count: 1403 words

~Third Person~

*3 years later*

A small yawn escaped Y/N's mouth as she sat up in bed, stretching her arms out

She rubbed her eyes and blinked multiple times to clear her vision

She noticed the other side of her bed empty

He's up early, she thought as she stood up and started fixing her bed

"Well, this is the first time in years since I woke up later." She giggled to herself

"What do you think he's up to now." She smiled and started fixing herself up


Giyuu was off to their secret spot, laying down on rhe rocks, staring into the sky, thoughts ran into his head

Y/N and Giyuu's relationship was a slow and stable one, two years into their relationship Y/N decided to move in with him, making her house empty for now.

It was their 3rd year anniversary a week from now, and the water Hashira was actually off to think what he would do

Then a random thought cross in his mind, making his eyes go wide and sit up

His palms started sweating, his heart felt like it was going to leap out of his chest

How am I going to do this?

I certainly can't do plan this when it's a week from now, he thought rubbing his palms

But it's the best idea, he thought harder

If anyone still hadn't have a clue on what he was supposed to do

Giyuu Tomioka is thinking of asking Y/N L/N's hand in marriage.

He's proposing

He's going to ask one of the most important questions in his life

"Should I do it? Is it too soon?" He asked himself

"But it's been three years." He argued with his thoughts,

He stood up and started walking home, he needs to get some stuff prepared, he needs to sort his mind out.

As he was walking he was contemplating if whether he should or not

"What if she says no?" That thought crossed his head

He shook his head a bit making him snap out of his thoughts

Rengoku and Mitsuri already got married a year ago, he's pretty sure that he was lagging behind and Y/N may want to get married soon

Unless she doesn't love me anymore..

Giyuu slapped himself in the face, making his right cheek grow a red handprint

"You should stop overthinking Giyuu.." He muttered to himself and headed home


"Where have you been?" Y/N greeted her boyfriend by their doorstep

"By our secret place, I just needed to sort things out." He smiled at her, giving her a small kiss on the cheek

"Hm, you were up earlier than me."

"I didn't want to wake you up." He pouted

She smiled and pecked his lips

"You must be hungry, I prepared breakfast." She giggled

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