Chapter 15: Confession

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Word Count: 898 words

~Third Person~

Long after Giyuu and Y/N's mission was finally placed to a end, they flicked the blood off their swords and slowly placed it back to where it was

Y/N noticed that Giyuu wasn't his usual self, yes he was silent but to her, she felt like he was hiding something

"Are you ok, Giyuu? You look nervous." She asked placing her hand on her shoulder

"Oh- oh yes, i'm ok." He said, smiling a bit as they were both walking back

"Hey.. Uh.. Y/N?" He asked again, as she turned her head towards the water pillar

"Yes? Is there something you need to say?" The winter pillar asked, with curiosity

"Would you mind if we went to our secret place, I just wanted to say a few things.." Giyuu said, slightly uneasy as he played with his fingers

"Yeah, sure. I also wanted to relax since that mission was sooo tiring." Y/N smiled at him

Giyuu let out a sigh of relief as they walked over to their secret place they had ever since they first hangout


"L/N-san, is that you?' A quiet voice echoed against the river's rocks

"Ah yes, it is, Tomioka-san. What brings you here?" Y/N said kicking her legs against the currents of the river

"Oh, I usually go here to let out some bad vibes and to relax.. How about you..?"

"Oh, uh, I'm just a recent addition to the Hashiras and I just came across this place and I found my solitude here."

"I guess we're the only ones who found this place. It's so nice here" Y/N added as the silent Water Pillar was lost in her beautiful voice

"Yeah, it is."

"Oh my bad, I haven't really personally introduced myself to you, i'm Y/N L/N, the new Winter Hashira."

"I'm Giyuu Tomioka, you could just call me Giyuu if you would like. I really don't have friends here.."

"I can be your friend, Giyuu."

"You would, L/N-san?"

"Yeah! You seem really nice, and please just call me Y/N."

He smiled at her and she smiled back and they started to learn more about each other

*end of flashback*


"We're here." The Winter Hashira smiled cheerfully sitting down on the rocks

Giyuu immediately sat beside her, sucking in a breath

"Y/N.. We're best friends right?"

Y/N looked at him with a slightly sad smile

"Yeah we are. How come?"

"You know.. I'm not really interested in Shinobu, i'm interested in someone else.."

"Oh she must be really lucky then." She giggles, tucking her hair behind her ear

Giyuu slowly placed his hand on top of hers, making Y/N jump a bit

He slowly stood up making Y/N stand up infront of him, making his stomach erupt in butterflies on how beautiful she is.

"Would I get to know who that someone is?" Y/N smiled at Giyuu

As she let those words fall off her mouth, rain started to fall from the sky, leaving the two soaking wet

Giyuu immediately removed his haori, placing it on Y/N

"You shouldn't have-"

"I don't want you sick.." He smiles

Y/N immediately tried to fix her hair as it was soaked, her other snowflake clip would've been useful, wasn't it?

As Giyuu slowly pulled out her snowflake clip from his pocket, he held onto Y/N's hand and slowly placed it on her hair

"You.. Had it all along?" Y/N said, her eyes twinkling as the rain made their clothes soak even more.

"Yeah.." He smiles slightly, as he finished the hairpiece, he placed his hand on Y/N's cheek

"You're so beautiful Y/N~"

She blushed and held onto his hand on her cheek

"Do you really want to know who that special someone is?"

She nodded sadly, she expected it to be someone else

Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt soft lips against hers

Giyuu's haori fell onto the ground as the rained harder

Y/N kissed back as she felt Giyuu arm around her waist pulling her closer

Everything felt like a dream,

As they pulled away, Giyuu smiled widely as he looked onto her e/c colored eyes

"That someone.. Is a girl named, Y/N L/N, the most beautiful girl ever, my best friend."

She smiled and placed her hand on his cheek

"And my special someone is a boy, named Giyuu Tomioka, the most handsome boy in the whole world, the person infront of me right now."

He smiled at her lovingly and pulled her into a hug,

"I'm so happy~"

"How come?"

"I was expecting the worst at this moment, I never knew you liked me.."

"You're one of the best people I met, Giyuu."

As they shared a hug, the rain died down, as the sun began to rise,

As soon as they pulled away, Y/N crouched and picked up his haori on the ground

"I'll help you wash this later." She handed it to him

He giggled and held her close as they walked back to the Demon Slayer Corps

"Hey Y/N?"

"Yes, Giyuu?" She said, still blushing

"I love you.." He said looking at her lovingly

"I love you too.." She smiled back giving him a kiss on the cheek.

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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