Chapter 6: Clip

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Word Count: 887 words

~Giyuu~ (A/N: Promise Granted)

I was inside my home, pacing around,


What does she mean, by Tomioka-san?

The last time she called me that was when we first hangout together.

Does she hate me?

I didn't mean to forget.


I was about to pick-up Y/N from her house. I was finally all good and ready I was about to grab my wallet when-


Shinobu was waiting outside my doorstep, just standing there, she was staring at me.

"What do you want?"

"Woah no need to be so blunt, Tomioka-san. I just want to talk about our mission ya know?"

"Oh.. Ok. But I have to pick up someone to hangout at 2:00" I said standing up

"Who is it?"

"None of your buisness."

"It's Y/N-san.. Right?"

I stayed quiet

"I always knew you liked-"

"Let's just go." I said through gritted teeth.

"Let's go to my place" She said walking off and letting me follow her

I huffed and walked behind her

I'm sure Y/N can wait.. It's only 1:30, right?"


"Thanks for having me over, Shinobu-san." I said leaving,

"See you around, Tomioka-san~"

I rolled my eyes and walked back to my house to grab my wallet, when I was about to go to Y/N's house, then I saw the time

7:00 PM

Crap! I forgot!

And Shinobu didn't even remind me,

That bit-

I quickly ran to Y/N's home, but before I got to knock on her door, I heard voices in her house

"Ha! I win!"

"No fair~ I got it first"

"Let's do it again!"


I sighed, she seemed happy. Maybe she forgot as well, oh well, i'll just apologize tomorrow.

I walked home and shut the door.

*end of flashback*

I thought she wasn't mad, I thought she forgot as well.

Then the next morning arrived

She didn't even greet me goodmorning, unusual.

She seemed happy, so I came over and walked over to her after the meeting and grabbed her wrist.

She immediately pulled out of my grasp and faced me, her expression was cold, she looked mad.


"Save it, Giyuu."

She was pissed, I know I broke a promise. I know I did something wrong. But I can't say no to an offer, right?

"Y/N i'm-"

"What do you want?"

That's when I knew, she was mad, she knows. I felt so bad instantly.

"I'm sorry, I forgot that-"

"You know Giyuu, I thought you were different. You promised Giyuu. You promised."

I wanted to explain, I wanted to tell her my side. But she was too hurt. And I totally understand

"I know.. It's just.."

Tears formed in my eyes, I was frustrated. I wanted to explain it, but I keep on getting cut off


"Giyuu, you know, this isn't really going to fix anything."

She explained, giving me a small pat on the shoulder, it did lift up my mood a little bit,

"Anyways, goodluck on your mission with Shinobu-san. I have to leave and get ready."

Wait! Let me explain first!

"Y/N wait.."

I quickly grabbed her arm, I wouldn't let this slip. I need to explain, before she leaves. I need to make it up to her.

"Hey Y/N let's go we have to get ready for our mission."

Our fellow flame pillar just really had to ruin the moment, the way he swung his arm over Y/N's shoulder.

It made me even more down than I already was. I admit, I am jealous of them, I admit, I like Y/N.

"I have to go now. Thank you for the talk, Tomioka-san."


I heard that Y/N and Renguko are leaving later..

I was just sitting down on my bed, staring at my walls.

I was debating if I were to go and bid farewell, or not.

I know even if Y/N's mad, she would want to bid farewell to me

Or that's what I thought.

You know what

I'll go there, i'll hug her. I'll tell her that i'll miss her, as a friend, right?

I slipped on my shoes and got out my home, walking slowly towards the gates

I was literally dragging myself, I would admit, I would end up humiliating myself if she'll scold me. But it's going to be worth it if it'll save our friendship, right?

My legs soon sped up as I heard echoes from the Hashiras as they bid farewell

Soon enough I arrived just in time, as they were about to leave

I swiftly grabbes Y/N arm and pulled her into a tight hug

She didn't react first, but then she melted into the hug

Once we pulled away, I whispered to her ear

"Goodbye Y/N, i'll miss you."

She just giggled and unclipped one of her snowflake clips, letting some excess hair fall onto her face

She's so gorgeous

"Here, take this. For you to feel my presence." She smiled and placed the clip on my palm

"Thank you, Y/N-chan."

She smiled and waved goodbye before finally leaving with Rengoku

I gripped onto the clip hard

I'm never losing this.

Like my love for her.

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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