Chapter 14: Mission to your Heart

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Word Count: 852 words


As I was on my way home, I was harshly pulled

"Tomioka-san! There you are! I was looking everywhere for you!"

I gave myself a mental groan

"What do you want?"

"Where have you been? I wanted to hangout with you-

"We aren't dating, you don't have to hangout with me everyday."

"But we like each other right? That's like dating-"

"I said again, my feelings are uncertain."

"Where have you been?" Shinobu asked,

"Why do you have to know?" I said, clearly annoyed

"Just tell me." She said, her tone was kind of frustrated, I knew she wanted to know.

"I was with Y/N-"

"I knew it, I knew that you liked her. Whatever Tomioka-san-"

"You aren't my girlfriend so why are you so affected by it?"

She glared at me and walked off

Oh well


Today was the day Y/N and I were sent off to our mission

I was pretty excited, to be honest

Since we're alone, I might actually tell her my feelings

My long awaited feelings, I will finally confess

It'll hurt if I get rejected tho

It is what it is.

Whatever let's just get this over with

I slowly placed on my Demon Slayer Corps uniform and placed my Haori on top of it

I was finding my sword when I remembered

I haven't returned her clip yet, she probably needs it..

As I grabbed it, I stared it for a while

She'll probably needs this

Should I give it now?

I mean it'll be kinda awkward since I had it for so long

Maybe i'll just keep this first.

For good luck!

I carefully placed it in my pockets and gave it a small pat

As I found my sword, I placed it where it should be

As I slipped on my shoes, I gave myself a small smile of hope, hoping everything will go smoothly


As I was walking towards the place I heard a familiar voice call out my name


I immediately turn my head, to see a familiar face

It was that boy Tanjiro, that had an unbreakable bond with his sister

He was finally healed and I assume that he was about to follow Rengoku-kun on his mission

"Thank you so much for saving Nezuko and I, I really appreciate it, how can I ever repay you?"

I looked at him blankly, I didn't really had an expression to put on in moments like this

"You can thank me by doing a good job"

"I'll be going now." I said once more and went away


As I arrived where I was supposed to meet Y/N the Hashiras just stood there

Some people gave me a small pat on the back for goodluck

Maybe nobody likes me after all.. Oh well, i'm used to it anyways

As I was deep in my thought I was pulled into a small hug, I immediately hugged back

The only person that gave me hugs were Y/N so this was really new to me.

As we pulled away, I saw the person was Shinobu,

"Goodluck on your mission!"

"Thank you.." I whispered quietly

I heard Hashiras snickering behind us

'Are they dating?'

'So the rumors are true..'

'They're dating!?'

"Just a clear-up, Shinobu-san and I aren't dating."

The Hashiras immediately fixed their postures and looked intensely at me

"And yes, I can hear what y'all were saying. I just need to clear-up that i'm not interested in her." I said simply, looking blankly at all of them

"But I thought you liked her-"

"Shut it, Sanemi-kun." I snapped, looking blankly at everyone

Shinobu looked at me sadly, she gave me a small smile and started to walk away

"Giyuu! I'm so sorry i'm late! I struggled to find my other snowflake clip, and I think I lost it.." Y/N finally arrived, some excess hair has fell on her face

I gave myself a gulp of regret for not returning it to her earlier

Immediately the other Hashiras surrounded her and gave her hugs

"Y/N-chan~ i'll miss you~" I saw Mitsuri giving her a long hug

"I'll miss you too~" She smiles

As soon as the other Hashiras gave her their goodbyes, she approached me

"Let's go defeat some demons!" She said happily, giving me a thumbs up

I always admired that energy of hers, she gave me strength to continue life with a positive outlook

I gave her a small smile and nodded

"Bye guys!" She gave the others a small wave

"Goodluck Y/N!" The other cheered as we left to go and defeat the demons

"That's strange.. They didn't say your name.." She said as we left the Demon Slayer Corps

"I'm used to it."

"Well, this is a goodluck from me, Do your best!" She said all giddy and excited, making my heart flutter a bit

"Thank you, Y/N-chan."

She smiles and we went on our mission

The perfect time is nearing, so don't let it slip

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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