Chapter 11: Crush

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Word Count: 852 words


"The hell did you do that for?"

"What you were trying to do was wrong."

"But I wanted to show her-"

"Even if you wanted to do something or show something, it's still wrong."

"It's like you like her.."

I looked at Shinobu, I raised one of my eyebrows as she sat beside me staring at me

"I like you, Tomioka-san. And I heard you felt the same.."

I didn't answer

"Do you like me back, Tomioka-san?"

I didn't answer again, I looked at her blankly, my eyes showing no emotion.

"I'm asking, Tomioka-san. Do you feel the same?"

"I don't know."

She stood up looked at me

"What kind of answer is that?"

"I don't know.." I said again

I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

I didn't want to deceive someone, I don't want to let someone believe in the lie I just created to protect a secret

I felt a hand on my knee

"You like.. L/N-san.. Don't you..?"

I just looked back at her, and stood up slowly, walking over to the door.

"You can't just leave like that, answer my question!" She said, she sounded frustrated

"I'll talk about it once I feel sure about my feelings." I said simply, closing the door from the butterfly estate.

I heard her saying some more words, but I didn't have the energy to listen to it anymore.

I felt frustrated inside, I needed to decide something. And it was for the best.

My heart says I love Y/N, but my brain still has its debates


Once I left the butterfly estate, I wanted to find Y/N.

It seemed like forever to find her, then I saw her with Mitsuri and Rengoku as usual.

I can't help but feel my palms go sweaty as I approached her. I felt myself physically shaking

Why was I feeling this?

I haven't felt anything like this before.

I gave myself a mental slap and I gathered up my courage.

"Hey.. Y/N?" I said walking closer to her

Once she turned her head, her bright smile slowly faded into a small frown

"Giyuu, what brings you here..?" She said, quietly, playing with her fingers

My heart's pulse started accelerating, words wouldn't form in my mouth


"Are you ok, Giyuu?" Y/N said worringly, she carefully placed her hand on my shoulder

I inhaled sharply, my heart was beating so fast, I felt like I was sweating.

"About the letter that I asked Tokito-san to hand to you, did you get to read it yet?" I said hopeful

She carefully removed her hand, and started scratching the back of her head.

"Oh, that letter, I totally forgot about it.. Sorry.."

"Oh I totally understand-" I was cut off

"What was in that letter anyways? It seemed so important." She said, raising one of her eyebrows

"Oh.. I just wanted to.." I said trailing off

"Wanted to.. What?" She said, curiously

"I wanted to hang out with you after my mission, to make it up to you.." I said quietly, looking at her

She seemed surprised, but I saw her eyes sparkle.

"Oh, I mean if you wanted to.. I would love to.." She smiled at me, I can see a pink tint on her cheeks

I saw Rengoku and Mitsuri intensely staring at me

It made me gulp a little bit

"Oh great, how about.. Tomorrow?"

"Sure." She answered smiling widely

"Pick you up at two?" I said

"Pst, Tomioka-san. Make sure you make up to that." Mitsuri said, behind Y/N

"Or we'll beat your ass.." Rengoku added

"Y-yes. I won't mess up this time. I... Promise." I said shyly

"Make sure you keep you promise." Y/N said, looking at me sternly

"I will." I said

I placed my pinky finger up

Her eyes twinkled as she interlocked our pinkies together

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise" I said, smiling widely

She smiled wide, my stomach erupted in butterflies and I felt my cheeks heating up

Her giggle made my heart accelerate in speed,

"Great! And while you're at it. Want to join us today, for lunch?" She said smiling, putting up a thumbs up.

"Oh sure sure. I'll just grab my lunch." I smile

"Oh great! See you~" She smiles and faces Rengoku and Mitsuri

I smile to myself, making myself blush a little bit

On my way home, my heart was beating so fast

I was very new to this feeling, I felt like I was going to melt.

Her smile made me smile, her laugh's contagious and somehow everytime we talk my knees kinda turned into jelly.

As I arrived home, I rummaged through my drawers and saw her snowflake clip

I stared at it,

I smiled at the thought of how she looked so pretty in it,

So this is what a crush feels like

Well I think my heart has settled my feelings

I like Y/N.

And i'll try my best to make her mine.

I guarantee that.

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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