Chapter 20: Best

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Word Count: 884 words


I was laying down on my bed, after a long day

Y/N was just here a while ago and she left, to go home and take a rest.

I was pretty contented with my relationship with her right now, but there was one thought that was in my head right now

With Y/N busy on her best friends getting together, I was thinking of a way to make her mine once and for all.

I mean, the next step to one up our relationship was being offically together, right?

And yes, i'm asking Y/N to be my girlfriend.

I couldn't sleep all night, I was thinking of some things to say. I know she loves me, but is she ready for a relationship?

I sat up from my bed, and stared at my walls, I couldn't sleep.

I looked at a picture of Y/N and I, by my bed side drawer, it was a picture that Mitsuri took once she knew we liked each other

I smiled at it and grabbed it, and stared at it for a while.

I'm ready to make you mine. Because You Belong With Me..


I decided to wake up in the morning early and take a walk.

I wanted to wake up Y/N but I figured she was still asleep so I got up and went to our secret spot.

On my way to walk out of the Demon Slayer Corps, I came across Shinobu. I tried to ignore her, but it seems that my luck was testing me today


I stiffened, not this morning

"What do you want?"

"Why're you so cold?"

"Because of what you did."

"What did I do? I didn't do anything except fight for you love~"

I rolled my eyes at her, I didn't want to get anyone involve in this,

But my heart kept on telling me that I had to defend her, I had to do something.

"Because you literally just fought Y/N when she did nothing to you!"

She laughed and rolled her eyes,

"Tomioka-san, why're you so caught up with L/N-san?"

"Because I love every single thing about her. Simple." I didn't even mind facing her

I heard her laugh once more

"Literally what's so special about her anyways? She's just a Winter Hashira, nothing else-"

I faced her, and glared at her

"Do not talk about Y/N like that. At least she's a better person than you at any rate, ever." I spat, and walked off.

This day already started bad, I let out a huge sigh and continued walking till I reached my destination

I let out a sigh and sat down by the rocks

I looked around and inhaled the early morning breeze, I needed a break from all of this drama

As I was clearing out my thoughts, I noticed someone familar seated not so far away from me


Her hair was down so I wasn't really sure who it was

"Giyuu?" She turned her head, and swiped some hair out of her face and smiled

My heart started beating faster and my palms started sweating

"What're you doing here? It's so early" She yawned and rubbed her eyes

"I just wanted to relax, what about you? What're you doing here?"

"I just needed to have some peace and quiet." She sighed

"I guess we're the only ones who found this, it's so nice here~" I joked

"Heyy~ are you mimicking me?" She pouted

"I'm just messing with you, c'mere." I smiled and tapped on the spot beside me

She smiled and walked over

"Why'd you wake up so early?"

"I can't stop thinking about you~" I said scratching the back of my head

"Aww, you're too sweet.." She said, putting her head on my shoulder

"Oh Y/N, I like it when your hair is down.. It really suits you~"

She blushed

"I kept it in a bun for so long, I didn't even had a chance to keep it down." She laughed lightly

I smiled a bit and put my head down

"What's the matter.. Is something wrong?"

"Why.. Me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Out of all men in the world, why did you choose me? I'm just this random dude that has no friends, and all I do is be awkward in everything." My eyes started brimming in tears

"Look at me, look at me." She lifted my face and let her face me

"Giyuu Tomioka, never ever doubt yourself, you're the best person ever, not only were you the first person that made me feel welcome. It's just the fact that even though troubles come to our way we make sure to stick together no matter how hard it is, you're the most genuine person I know. You have the best personality, and you handsome face makes the whole package!" She giggled

I blushed

"Y/N, Thank you. Thank you for making me realize certain things, i'll make sure to make you the happiest girl in the whole world!" I laughed a bit and gave her a tight hug

"I love you~" She smiled

"I love you too." I smiled back and gave her a small kiss on the forehead

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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