Chapter 23: Dating

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Word Count: 882 words


"They're back!" The other Hashiras announced when they saw us going towards the gates

"Hey guys." I smiled at them

"Good job on your mission, Y/N, also Giyuu." Obanai said giving me a small high five

"Thank you, Obanai." I smiled at him

"Oh look, it's Mitsuri. She's been dying to see you ever since you left" He said, laughing a bit

"Y/N! Y/N!" I heard a familiar female voice from behind

"She's here! She's here! Hurry up Rengoku, she's here!"

"I'm going to get going now, see you around, Y/N."

"You too, Obanai-san."

I turned around, and giggled as to what i'm witnessing right now.

"I am! Stop pulling me, i'm going to fall over!" I heard Rengoku's voice

"Whatever, hurry up!"

I smiled at Mitsuri and Rengoku, bursting into a fit of laughter when Rengoku fell over and landed face first on the ground

"Oh my gosh! Are you ok, Rengoku!?" She rushed beside him

"I'm so so sorry, I was just too excited." She said, trying to pull him off the ground

"Yes yes, i'm ok." He slowly lifted his head and smiled at her

She helped him get up, and he put his arm around her

I gave them an eye, smirking a bit

"Hey guys."

"Hey Y/N! And Giyuu!" They said at the same time

"You two seem so happy, what's up? Spill the tea."

Mitsuri gave a little glance at Rengoku,

I raised an eyebrow

I see Rengoku's cheeks turn a light pink color

Mitsuri smiled and faced us giving us a small smile

"Rengoku and I are.. Dating." Mitsuri blushed and hid her face in her hands

I gasped and covered my mouth

"No way.."

"Yeah Y/N, we're dating." He smiled at both of us

"No way! I've been waiting for this day!" I squealed and ran towards Mitsuri, giving her a big hug

"Congrats girl!" I hugged her tighter

"Thanks girl! I mean if it wasn't for your help.." She smiled at me and hugged back

"Congrats to you too, Rengoku." I gave him a fist bump

"Thanks Y/N-chan, and also to you too Giyuu-san."

"You're welcome." Giyuu said in a monotone voice

Once I pulled away, I gave Rengoku a look straight in the eye

"Ey, I know you're a good man, but if you hurt her feelings i'll not hesitate to hurt you." I smiled innocently at him

"I'll not hurt her. I guarantee that." He said raising his hand and putting it on his chest


"And also Mitsuri, I know you're one of the best girls out there, but if ya hurt Rengoku, i'll not hesitate to fight you"

"Of course, Y/N! I'll be the best girlfriend for him." She blushed

"Aww, how cute." I complimented both of them

Mitsuri seemed to notice Giyuu staring at me from behind and decided to pop the question

"So how're things going with Giyuu, Y/N?" Mitsuri asked me chirpilly

I giggled and walked back to Giyuu

"My relationship with Giyuu? Hm, let me see.." I placed my finger on my chin, smiling a bit

"Y/N seems to have a lot of thought in mind" Rengoku joked

"Here, let me get this straight" I smiled

"You see this man." I pointed to Giyuu and giggled

"Yeah and?" Mitsuri cocked her head to the side

"Wait!" Her eyes widen as if she realized something

I laughed

"This man, is my boyfriend." I said proudly

"Wait. Since when!?" Rengoku gasped looking directly at Giyuu

"Last night." He said proudly, giving me a small kiss on the cheek, making me blush


"Congrats Y/N!!" Mitsuri laughed and attacked me in a hug

"Thanks girl!" I laughed and hugged back

Once we pulled away, I saw Giyuu and Rengoku staring at both of us

"Ey Giyuu, y'know I told Y/N if you won't date her, i'll date her myself." Mitsuri said jokingly

"What about me?" Rengoku pouted

"Nah, i'm just messing with y'all, i'll never replace you."

"You're whipped~" I teased

"Says you!" Mitsuri said back

We all just laughed and continued on talking



"Yes, Giyuu?"

"We're dating now right? So like i'm thinking if we can go on a date on Friday?"

I giggled lightly

"Of course. I mean, I would be honest, I was waiting for you to ask."

"So that's a yes?" He asked, holding both of my hands

"Of course, I mean who would I be if I said no to you?"

"Yes! I mean, thank you Y/N." He smiled and scratched the back of his neck, blushing

I grabbed his hand, making him blush and look away

"You aren't used to this? Hm?" I said, looking directly at him

"I mean, i'm just an average guy. I wasn't expecting to have someone like you, you're way out of my league."

"Hm? I said stop doubting yourself. I mean, if you weren't here I would've been lonely all my life." I joked

He looked at me

"Thank you Y/N."

"What for?"

"For being you." He smiled at me

"You're such a sweetheart." I giggled

"I'm your sweetheart." He giggled back and we connected our lips together

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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