Chapter 5: Mission

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Word Count: 879 words

~Y/N~ (A/N: It'll be Giyuu soon, promise.)

The rest of the afternoon, Mitsuri and Rengoku was over, we just played some board games, had fun and did a pillow fight.

The two decided to stay over and spend the rest of the night as what normal friends would do.


"Ohayo, Y/N-san"

"Ohayo~" I smiled at the other pillars that greeted me after the meeting with Oyakata-sama

"Goodluck on your mission, Y/N." Obanai approached me giving me a high five

"Thank you, Obanai-san." I smiled, starting to approach Mitsuri and Rengoku, when I felt an hand grab my wrist

I forcefully removed my hand and turned to face that person


"Save it, Giyuu." I glared at him, walking off

I can feel him behind me, but I didn't care, he broke a promise.

"Y/N i'm-"

"What do you want?" I snapped at him,

I was pissed at his actions, I thought he was different from everyone else, he made me wait for nothing.

"I'm sorry, I forgot that-" His eyes watered, he wasn't really the person who would showcase their emotions. And the times he did, it means he really means it.

"You know Giyuu, I thought you were different. You promised Giyuu. You promised." I said, all the anger was in my veins,

"I know.. It's just.." Tears were already flowing down his eyes, I wanted to give him a hug, but he needs consequences for his actions.

"Giyuu." I looked at him in the eyes.

"Giyuu, you know, this isn't really going to fix anything." I shrugged giving him a shoulder pat

"Anyways, goodluck on your mission with Shinobu-san. I have to leave and get ready." I said walking off

"Y/N wait.." He said grabbing my arm

"Hey Y/N let's go we have to get ready for our mission." Rengoku finally arrived swinging his arm on my shoulder

I let out a small smile, and removed my arm from Giyuu grip.

"I have to go now. Thank you for the talk, Tomioka-san." I said and walked off with Rengoku.

I admit I was feeling bad, but he needed to know that his actions was wrong.


I just finished placing on my Demon Slayer Corps uniform.

I placed my hair unto a tight bun, and placed in 2 snowflake clips on my hair

If you still don't know, I am the Winter Pillar in the Demon Slayer Corps, the new addition to the Hashiras.

I had three breath styles, the first one was Blizzard, the second one was Snowstorm, and my strongest form was Frost Bite.

I finished of my outfit by placing on my haori and grabbing my sword.

I slipped on my shoes and ran outside, to meet with Rengoku.

Once I reached the place where I was going to meet with Rengoku, I heard a familiar voice,

"Y/N-channn!" I heard Mitsuri shout from behind me

"Mitsuri-chann~" I gave Mitsuri a tight hug

"I'll miss you Y/N!" She said hugging me tighter

"I'll be only gone for two days, Mitsuri-chan." I giggled a bit

"But i'll still miss youuuu, I have no one to hangout with since both of my best friends are leaving" she pouted

I just smiled and turned to the other Hashiras

They all gathered around us

"Goodluck to you Y/N-san." Sanemi, the wind pillar said, giving a playful wink at me

"Thank you, Sanemi-kun" I said, playfully winking back, I saw his face get red and he bit his lip in the process

I got some goodlucks from the Hashiras, but I really noticed that someone was missing, I was about to ask, when someone arrived

"Hey guys." Rengoku said, ready for mission, with a proud smile on his face.

"Rengoku-kunnnnn" Mitsuri said, attacking the flame pillar in a hug

"I'll miss youuuu~" Mitsuri said, hugging him tight, resulting them both on the ground tackling each other

"I'll miss you too~" He said hugging her back

"I smell a ship~" I teased them both, making the other Hashiras laugh

They immediately pulled off each other, giggling profusely and blushing really hard


"I guess this is really goodbye now" I smiled at all the pillars

But I really felt there was someone missing

"..Hey, Gyomei-kun? Did you see Tomioka-san anywhere?"

"I didn't see him, last time I saw him he was walking home" He said shrugging

Shinobu-san was there, talking to Rengoku, shaking his hand, giving him a bright smile

Usually I see them together, but I guess today wasn't the day. Maybe it was something I said?

My palms were growing sweaty, I wanted to say goodbye to him before I go on forward with my mission.

I wanted to wait much further, to see if he was going to bid farewell

"Y/N-chan, we have to leave now." Rengoku said fixing his haori a little bit and giving me a pat on the back

I let out a sigh, I guess i'll leave without a goodbye then

"Ok. Let's go."

But before I even got out of the gates of Demon Slayer Corps, I was pulled into a tight hug.

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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