Chapter 22: Yours.

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Word Count: 926 words

~Third Person~

It was a dark dark night

The cool night winds blew across the woods

A panting pair was found as returning of swords were the only sounds to be heard

"Great job.." A panting Giyuu was soon heard, making the panting Y/N turn towards the Water Hashira

"Likewise, they were so many." Y/N panted in between every word trying to regain her breath

"We need to cool off for a while." The panting Winter Hashira added,

"Yeah, we do." Giyuu simply added, also trying to regain his breath

As Y/N thought about places to go rest. Giyuu was busy thinking out things in his head.

He may agreed to rest for a while, but little did Y/N know what was running in his mind.

'Should I ask her now?'

'Today's the right time, right?'

'It's a one time experience we should do it now.'

Y/N tugged onto Giyuu's haori, making him snap out of his thoughts

"Hey Giyuu, did you hear my question?"

"Huh? I'm sorry, I zoned out."

"I asked if you wanted to stop by our little secret spot to y'know cool off?"

"Oh yeah sure." He smiled and started walking off alongside Y/N

It was practically night time, around 9-10PM, Giyuu thought it was the best time to ask his special someone one of the most important questions.

He was going to ask her to be his girlfriend, yes, girlfriend.

He figured out that the time has to come, to take their relationship to the next level, which was today.

He won't let this little moment of theirs' to go to waste.

He gave himself a small smile and a pat on the back.

'Don't mess this up Giyuu, it's your only chance.'


"We're finally here" Y/N cheered happily as she lay down on the rocks

"Aren't those uncomfortable?" Giyuu laughed a bit as he sat comfortably beside her

"It's pretty comfortable, you should try it." She giggled, patting to a spot next to her

Giyuu couldn't resist so he just lay down next to her

"Oh, it is pretty comfortable." He smiled

"Told you!" She stuck her tongue out and laughed, making Giyuu laugh with her as well

Once they both settled down the both looked up into the night sky

"Look! There's stars!" Y/N giggled and admired the twinkling stars

Giyuu can't help but smile at Y/N

They both stared amongst the stars, smiling,

Alongside, a shooting star came rushing out, making Y/N's eyes light up

"Look! A shooting star!" Her eyes twinkled

"Let's make a wish!" She giggled and closed her eyes

Giyuu smiled and closed his eyes as well

None of them expected what happened

Words just flew out of their mouth

"I wish.."

"I wish.."

"I wish to be yours."

Both exchanged the same words, making both Y/N and Giyuu's eyes go wide

Y/N immediately opened her eyes, looking at Giyuu who was staring back at her

"Did I hear that correctly?" Y/N said, sitting up and scratching her eyes, blinking multiple times

Giyuu smiled and sat up as well, slowly holding onto Y/N's hand, placing a small kiss on it.

"Giyuu I-"

"Listen for me, just for this time.." He smiled and held her hand

"You know Y/N? I'm so lucky to have you. I would never want to let you go." He squeezed onto her hand

Y/N had tears brimming on her eyes, she never expected anyone to say that to her.

She giggled slightly, she slowly placed her free hand on his shoulder giving him a small smile

"I guess we're both lucky to have each other."

"It's like the universe made destined us together." She added, looking into his eyes

"Y/N L/N.." Giyuu said, slowly placing his hand on her cheek

"Yes?" Her eyes were twinkling along with the stars

"Will you be mine?"

"Giyuu?" Tears fell from her eyes

"Y/N L/N, would you be my girlfriend?"


"It's totally ok if you aren't ready-"

"Of course! Is that even a question?! Of course I will! I will be your girlfriend!" She laughed a bit, giving him a tight hug, making both of them fall onto the rocks again

He laughed and pulled off the hug, connecting their lips together

She immediately kissed back, making sparks go flying into their bodies

Shooting stars, as if the universe was saying a message, flew across the night sky

It was truly a magical moment between them.

The kiss was full of passion, love was built into every single second, it was only the two of them.

Truly, it felt like a dream. But it wasn't, it was all reality.

Once they pull away, they stick their foreheads together, panting

"I'm yours." She smiled widely

"I'm yours." He said back, tears were spilling from his eyes

Y/N seemed to notice Giyuu's tears

"Are you crying!?"

"Huh? I'm not!" He said frantically wiping his tears

"I can see your tears, don't worry, i'm crying too." Y/N laughed a bit, wiping her tears as well

"I'm just really happy, you know? I thought you'd never asked." She added

"I mean, I was going to, but I was waiting for the perfect timing."

"You're such a cheesy person."

"But i'm your cheesy person" Giyuu said smiling

"I love you, so so so much."

"I love you too, so much more."

And thus, another chapter of their lives were formed

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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