Epilogue: You Belong With Me

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Hey guys, it's me Arah-chan, again. :3

So this will be the official last chapter of this book, I hope you all enjoyed this journey

I am forever grateful to have this opportunity to entertain you all~

Thank you so much again from the bottom of my heart,

Now, for the best part.

Enjoy the final chapter of You Belong With Me :)


Word Count: 3000 words

~Third Person~

*a few years later*

It was a peaceful household at the Tomioka's

It was about 8 AM when Y/N heard a small voice from beside her

"Mama, mama wake up!" A gentle tug, slowly awoken Y/N from her slumber

As she slowly lifted her eyelids open, she slowly made her eyes roam around the bedroom

She smiled as she was greeted by two children seated by the foot of their bed

She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes

"Izumi? You're awake? This early?"

"Mama! You awake? I was waiting for you to wake up." The little boy pouted

"Yes baby, i'm awake. Why're you up so early?"

"I needed to pee, then I try to sleep again, but I can't sleep anymore." He whined and crawled towards Y/N

"You woke up your sister too?" Y/N gently lifted up her daughter and placed it on her lap

"No, when I woke up, she was already awake too, so I help you wake up too."

"Hmm, is that right, Akira?" She looked at her daughter and pinched her cheeks

"Yes mama, I awake already." She squealed and clapped her hands

Y/N smiled and laid back down cuddling with her children for a while

After Giyuu proposed to Y/N, the two got married four months after.

A year into their marriage, They had their first child, which they agreed on naming him, Izumi.

Let's not disregard on how Giyuu argued with Y/N to call him Giyuu Tomioka Jr. for sometime

Two years of having Izumi enter their lives, they agreed on having another child, which turned out to be a little baby girl, which Y/N named Akira.

Izumi was the exact copy of Giyuu, having his exact facial features, but having Y/N's e/c colored eyes, Giyuu's hair color his skin was fair, and he always had a smile on his face from the day he was born

The couple figured that he will turn out like Giyuu when he grows up, but as he grew up, he was a very happy kid and seems to be following Y/N's bubbly attitude.

Akira was the exact opposite of Izumi, having Y/N's facial features and having her h/c hair, she had the mix of her parent's skin, and had Giyuu's blue eyes.

She was a very happy girl, being stuck with her big brother making her pick up her brother's ways. And I tell you, it's absolutely adorable.

Their little family was always happy and loved each to death

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