Chapter 7: Letter

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Word count: 899 words


I gasped as I felt arms around me.

My world suddenly slowed down, I felt like I was on cloud nine

I thought he would never show up. I thought he was mad at me, I thought I made a huge mistake for snapping at him.

I quickly wrapped my arms around him and smiled widely, not caring about the other hashiras

Once we pulled away I smiled at him, his eyes were sparkling as he whispered in my ear

"Goodbye Y/N, i'll miss you."

I giggled an idea popped in my head

I slowly reached into my hair and unclipped one of my snowflake clips, letting some excess hair fall onto my face, but I didn't really care about it.

I smiled and took his hands and gently placed the clip on his hand

"Here, take this. For you to feel my presence." I smiled and I saw the twinkle in his eyes

"Thank you, Y/N-chan." He smiled

I smiled back and waved goodbye before finally leaving with Rengoku


"That was the last of them." I said flicking my sword to get rid of the blood

I watched as all the demon's bodies slowly disintegrate into the air, as I slowly placed my sword back in place, walking towards Rengoku, who was staring into the sky.

"Hey Rengoku?" I said placing my hand softly on his shoulder, making him jump a little bit.

"Oh hey Y/N, sorry I zoned out."

"What were you thinking about, Rengoku-kun?"

"Oh, just someone.." He whispered, blushing a bit.

"Is it.. Mitsuri-chan?"

He blushed even more

"Maybe.." He said smirking a bit

"I always knew you were interested in her, who knows, maybe she's interested in you as well."

"Nah, I think she's interested in Obanai-san or someone else." He smiled sadly, slowly placing his sword back

"Trust me, Rengoku-kun you don't want to let this opportunity to slip away, tell her how you feel." I smiled small

"Yeah, thanks Y/N. Maybe you should do the same thing to Tomioka-san?

I sighed and swiped some hair off my face

"I think he looks at me as a friend, nothing else. He did forget about the hangout because he was too busy with Shinobu-san, right?" I said sadly.

"You're right, but the way he tried to apologize he really wants you, Y/N-san."

I laughed it off

"Rengoku-kun, you're making my hopes way too high up. Let's just get home."

"Whatever you say Y/N-san~" He said and we walked off


"They're back!" A few hashiras that awaited at the gate announced

"Y/N-san! Rengoku-kun! You two are back!" Mitsuri said excitedly giving us both a tight hug

We immediately hugged back, reuniting with our best friend, after a good 2 days of being gone.

"How was your mission, guys?" Gyomei asked us both

"It was good. We got to kill all of them." Rengoku said proudly

"Wow! You're so good, Rengoku-kun!" Misturi said, latching her arm against Rengoku's

"Thanks, Mitsuri-chan." He said, blushing slightly.

I smirked at Rengoku, giving him a playful wink

He just laughs and starts talking to Mitsuri, while I get entertained by the other Hashiras

"You were probably slicing demon's head in one swift mood, Y/N-san." Sanemi said winking at me

I laughed a bit

"Your laugh is so attractive, Y/N-san, just like you."

I can't help but blush

"Thank you, Sanemi-kun. You're not too bad yourself." I teased back,

I usually liked to flirt with other Hashiras as a joke, but I can't flirt with Giyuu, because I was so nervous all the time.

He blushed

"I'll see you around, Y/N-san~" He said playfully and walked off to Rengoku

"Hey, Y/N-san. Good job." I saw Tokito walk beside me, giving me a small pat on the shoulder.

"Thank you." I smiled

"Oh, and before you ask, Shinobu-san and Tomioka-san left earlier, but Tomioka-san wanted to give you this." He said, handing me a small envelope

"Thank you Tokito-kun."

"I'll get going now, Y/N-san"

"Ok, Tokito-kun." I said waving at him

I gasped when I felt someone jump on my back

"Mitsuri-chan!" I yelped when I saw her

She justs started laughing, Rengoku was behind him, staring at her.

"I just miss you, Y/N-chan~" She said giggling and hugging me from behind

I giggled and hugged her back, once we pulled away, she noticed the envelope on my hand

"Ooooh~ is that a love letter, Y/N~" She teased, poking my side

"Nah, it's just a letter from Giyuu."

"So it is a love letter!" Mitsuri said teasing me

"Y/N has a love letter~" Mitsuri and Rengoku teased at the same time, I blushed and covered my face with my hands

"Y/N's blushing~" Rengoku said poking my hand

"Guys staphhh~" I said blushing

"Ok fineeeee~" They said at the same time, mocking my tone.

"Let's just get going, we'll go change, and we'll meet you for lunch." I said

"Ok! See you both later."


I changed into new, fresh clothes, and made myself lunch.

I was rather curious what the letter contains, but i'll open it later.

It probably just something random.

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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