Chapter 21: Mission to be Yours

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Word Count: 897 words


Giyuu and I probably spent the rest of the morning just enjoying each other's company by the river

Once the sun's rays were bright and it was nearly blinding us, I stood up

"Where are you going?" He asked, standing up as well

"We need to get back, Oyakata-sana might've had a meeting but we weren't there." I said, holding his hand

"The crows didn't find us tho?"

"The crows might've not found us. Nobody knows about this place, right?"

"Makes sense. Yeah, let's get home. Mitsuri and Rengoku might kill us." He joked


"Where were you two!?" Mitsuri said running towards us

"Giyuu what did you do to my best friend!?" She said shaking Giyuu's shoulders

"Calm down, we just hung out somewhere."

"And when was the last time you had your hair down?"

I giggled

"I guess, a long time. I mean, it doesn't hurt to have my hair down." I pointed out

"It suits her anyways." I heard Giyuu speak from behind me

"You two are too cute, it's sickening." She joked

"I don't know if that's a compliment or an insult..?"

"It's how she compliments, be used to it." I told Giyuu

"Anyways, anyways, joking aside. We were looking all over for you two"

"Hey y'all." Rengoku said walking over to us

"Hey Rengoku, what did we miss while we were gone?" I asked

"Oyakata-sama had a meeting with us, and we were looking all over for you two!" He whined

"I knew it! I was right!"

"We thought you two ran away. We were soooo worried." Mitsuri pouted

"We're sorry to worry you two" Giyuu said bowing infront of the two of them

"No need to do that, Giyuu. It's fine~" Mitsuei said shaking her hands infront of him

"Oh okay, we're still sorry tho." He said standing up straight

"Anyways, Oyakata-sama wanted you two to have another mission together." Rengoku said

"Another one?"

"Yeah, since you two were a good team." He explained more of the mission

"Oh, and the mission's tomorrow."

"Already!?" I exclaimed

"I mean you can speak to him if you want to withdraw."

"No no, it's ok. We're going on that mission. I mean, if he agrees." I told him calmly, facing Giyuu

He seemed to be deep in thought so I had to clap infront of his face

"Huh? Ah yes, it's ok. We'll go on the mission."

"Seems like alot of things are going on in there." Rengoku joked

"Sorry, I was just thinking about some things."

"Well, we'll leave you there to think about that later, for now let's eat lunch, i'm starving~" Mitsuri said happily

"Let's go~" I giggled along with her


It was already the next day, and i'm preparing myself for the mission Giyuu and I had, I mean it was pretty sudden.

I quickly placed my hair into a bun and placing my snowflake clips into my hair

Mitsuri was there also sitting on my bed, talking to me while I got ready

"So did Giyuu ask you out yet?"

"Hmm not yet, how come?"

"Gurl, seriously!? Not yet!? Everyone thinks you two are official already!"

"I guess he's not ready for a relationship yet." I said sadly

"Well, here's the big question, are you ready for a relationship yet?"

I smiled to myself a bit

"Well, honestly speaking, not really. But I really want to experience what it feels like to be in a relationship." I told her, while placing on my haori

"Well, I'll be the first one to know if he ever asks you out! If he doesn't i'll date you myself." She joked

"Nah, I know you won't, you like Rengoku-kun."

She blushed dark pink

"How did you know-"

"It's pretty obvious." I giggled, grabbing my sword

"Anyways, i'll be going, mind if you want to go with me to the exit."

"Yeah sure." She stood up and followed me alongside

I placed on my shoes and walked outside my house with Mitsuri heading towards the exit of the Demon Slayer Corps

"Oh look, Giyuu's already there." Mitsuri pointed to Giyuu waving towards the both of us, while Rengoku was beside him, talking to the others

The Hashiras already were there,

"Hey Y/N, goodluck on your mission!" As soon sa Rengoku saw us, he gave me a small hug

"Thank you~"

The other Hashiras immediately pooled around me, giving some small hugs and high fives

"Y/N! Do your very very best!" Mitsuri said giving me a tight hug

"I will! Thank you~" I said hugging back

"Make sure to come back in one piece." Mitsuri joked

"I will, promise." I laughed a bit before pulling away from her

"Ey Giyuu, take care of Y/N."

"I will." He smiled at me

"Y'all act like i'm not a Hashira" I pouted

"We just want you to be safe." Rengoku smiled and gave me a small pat in the back

"Well, we'll be going now. Thanks alot guys." I smiled at both of them

They both gave us a small smile and nodded,

"Let's go." I told Giyuu, and he nodded.

"Bye Giyuu and Y/N! Y/N we'll miss you!" Mitsuri and Rengoku waved at us once we both left the Demon Slayer Corps Gates

"Do your best~"

"You too." He smiled back

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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