Chapter 27: Forgive

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Word Count: 878 words


As we finish our mission, I gave myself a sigh of relief that I wasn't murdered by Shinobu

I silently place my sword back in place and stood up, dusting off my haori.

I noticed Shinobu was staring at me from behind me, so I faced her and gave her a small smile

She smiled back

"Great job, L/N-san."

"Thank you, Shinobu-san."

As we started walking back to the Demon Slayer, I noticed that she was trying to spark up a conversation with me

"Is there something you want to talk about?"

She tensed

"U-uh, it's really not that important, L/N-san." She giggled and looked me

"Hey, i'm not going to bite you. We can still talk." I smiled

She laughed

"You're so funny, L/N-san."

I giggled and continued walking with her for a while

Then she suddenly stopped her tracks, making me stop as well

"Is there something wrong, Shinobu-san?"

"Ah, there's nothing wrong. You can just continue walking." She giggled and started walking again

We started walking again then she stopped on her tracks again, making me freeze as well.

"Are you sure you're ok-"

"L/N-san, are you just going to pretend?" Her tone suddenly changed

"What do you mean?"

"L/N-san, you know what i'm talking about."

"Wait, I don't really understand. Is this about Giyuu and I?"

She exhaled and looked at me straight in the eyes

"L/N-san, you don't have to hide that you hate me.."

I let out a small sigh

"I admit, I hated you. But that's only because you sabotaged me and tried to get Giyuu from me." I raised my eyebrow

"L/N-san, i'm.."


"You're what?"

"L/N-san.. I'm sorry." She choked out, I heard her voice crack

I exhaled out of my nose,

This isn't really what I was expecting.

"Shinobu-san, you know things cannot be fixed with a simple sorry, right?"

"I know!" She snapped, making me flinch

"I know.."

"I regret everything ok! I regret doing this to you!"

"I'm so so sorry, I would do anything.." She pleaded, she fell onto her knees

I crouched and smiled

"But, for me, a sincere sorry can fix anything.."

Her head snapped up, staring at my gaze


"I forgive you."

She gasped and her eyes brimmed in tears

"You mean it?"

"Just promise that you'll never do it again, even to other people. Never do what you did to me to anyone else."

She looks at me and raises her pinky finger

"I pinky swear on it."

I smiled and intertwined my pinky finger with her

"Thank you so much, L/N-san, it means alot."

"Thank you for changing." I smiled


"Oh please, just call me Y/N." I smile

She smiles back

"Y/N.. I have a question."

"Ask ahead."

"How do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"This. If I were you, I wouldn't even forgive me."

I smiled

"Not all people are perfect, and i'm glad that you actually tried to acknowledge your mistakes and change for the better."

She smiles

"Thank you, Y/N, for forgiving me."

"I didn't want to hold a grudge against you."


We were both walking home, it feels less tense, and I felt like boulders were lifted from my shoulders

I was glad that all that beef we had in the past were finally at ease.

Shinobu smiled at me and asked a question

"Y/N.. Are we friends?"

"Well, if you want to. Then we are friends."

"The only reason why we weren't friends because you hated me." I added jokingly

"I didn't really hate you.. Y/N."

"What? You literally slapped me when you found out Giyuu and I liked each other"


"I was just jealous, I actually admired you as a Hashira, your skills are amazing. I got jealous because you're better than me."

"I didn't think anyone would admire me like that, I mean, I always degraded myself. I lost my family to demons that's why I wanted to become a Demon Slayer."

She looked at me sadly

"I'm sorry for your loss.."

"It's ok. I got over it. I'm glad I met everyone, now I am the happiest I can ever be."

She smiles and continues walking home with me

"Y/N, Giyuu really loves you huh?"

"Yeah, and I love him just the same."

"You two are meant for each other, I should've just accepted it long ago."

I smile and place a hand on her shoulder

"It's ok, you fought for him, I completely understand that. But don't worry too much, you'll find the one soon."

"You're so nice to me, Y/N. I don't get how you don't hate me."

"My mother once told me, that whatever happens no matter how good or bad, always stay positive." I smile and reminisce my mother's words when she was still alive.

Shinobu smiled

"Well I guess I need to look at the positive outlooks at life."

"Oh you will, 'cause you're stuck with me." I joked

She laughed along and continued walking with me

And thus, everything was at peace.

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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