Chapter 17: Sick Cuddles

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Word Count: 877 words



My stomach exploded in butterflies, I felt my cheeks heat up

"Hey Y/N, i'm just going to the Butterfly Estate to grab some medicine with you, don't worry he'll take care of you for the mean  time." Mitsuri said, walking towards me

"Thank you, Mitsuri." I smiled at her

"Anything for my best friend.. And you take good care of her." Mitsuri told Giyuu, as he stood beside me

"I will." He said simply

"I'll get going." Mitsuri said

I gave a small smile and waved at her

Once she left, my attention shifted towards Giyuu, who was standing beside my bed

"Sit here, so you won't get tired standing up." I patted the empty spot on my bed

He smiled at me and sat down on my bed, and grabbed my hand

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier Y/N, she shouldn't have done that."

"It's ok, it wasn't your fault anyways.."

"But it was my fault why you're sick it was a foolish move-"

I gave his hand a small squeeze

"It wasn't a foolish move, it's the best moment of my life actually.. I just took too long to change out of my clothes that's why I got sick."

He blushed a bit and kissed my hand, making me blush even more

"Are you feeling any better?" Worry laced in his voice as he gently placed his hand on my forehead

"Ah you're so warm." He said, removing his hand

"I think I caught a cold." I said, coughing lightly, and massaging my temples

He got closer and slowly removed my hands from my temples, and he replaced it with his own, massaging my temples

"Hope you get better soon.. I miss hanging out with you."

"I miss hanging out with you as well. And thanks for the massage, it feels nice." I said getting relaxed, slowly falling asleep

"Anything for you~" He kissed my forehead

I felt my eyes getting heavy,


"Yes, do you need anything?"

"Cuddle with me.." I said, shyly, I was fighting my drowsiness


He smiled and removed his hands off my temples

He slowly laid down beside me, and I immediately snuggled myself into his warmth,

I placed my head on his chest, smiling to myself, as I felt arms around me, pulling me closer

"Sleep well Y/N~"

I hunmed in response and slowly closed my eyes as I fell onto deep slumber, for the first time in his arms


"Y/N~" I was awoken by a gentle voice

I slowly opened my eyes, and I saw Giyuu smiling down on me

"Mitsuri arrived here awhile ago with your medicine, she was about to wake you up, but you were still asleep. So, she requested that once you wake up, i'll give you the medicine."

"Oh, how long was I out?" I said rubbing my eyes and letting out a yawn

"5 hours." He counted the hours on his fingers

"Wait what!? Oh my gosh i'm so sorry for falling asleep for so long!"

"It's ok. You're really cute when you sleep" He smiled making me dark pink

He laughed lightly and got off me, I groaned

"I wanna cuddle more" I pouted

"I'll give you more cuddles later~ Let's just grab your medicine." He smiled down at me, giving me a small kiss on my forehead as he went to the kitchen

I patiently waited for him to return, trying not to squeal so loud

Once he returned with a cup of water and my medicine I squeaked a bit for I didn't like the taste of medicine

"Can I not just take the medicinee?" I whined

"It isn't that bad Y/N~" He told me patiently, giving the medicine

I gagged as I took the medicine, hearing a small laugh from Giyuu,

I immediately glared at him

"Sorry sorry, your reaction is just really funny"

I slapped him on the arm playfully

"Owiee" He pouted

"Sowwy~" I kissed his cheek and he immediately smiled and tackled me in a hug

"My turn~" He growled playfully and placed his lips against mine

I felt sparks run up and down my spine as I kissed back

He slowly placed me back on the bed never breaking the kiss

As we pulled away, he smiled

"Thank you for making me the happiest person, Y/N."

I smiled and gave him a small peck on the lips


I was in bed, feeling better than before, maybe from the medicine, and especially from Giyuu.

He was seated on my bed, looking at my walls

"What time is it?"

"8PM, how come?" He asked looking at me

"Aren't you going home yet, it's getting pretty late."

"Oh, if you don't mind.. I actually wanted to spend the night so I can take care of you."

"Sure sure, I don't mind. I would actually love that." I blushed

He smiled at me

"Now I want my cuddles." I pouted

He laughed and got beside me, and immediately pulled me closer

"Here you go~"

"Goodnight Giyuu."

"Goodnight Y/N, I love you~"

"I love you too." I smiled and placed my head on his chest making me fall into deep slumber.

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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