Chapter 12: Blush

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Word Count: 888 words


"Y/N! What was that?" Mitsuri said as Giyuu left to grab his lunch box to join us for lunch

"I don't know either.." I said blushing

"He just went and asked you out!"

"He didn't! He just asked me to hangout. And besides, he likes someone else.."

Mitsuri and Rengoku formed an 'o' shape with their mouth

"Oh yeah, we remember. Sorry for reminding you Y/N-chan." Rengoku said apologizing

"It's cool, Rengoku-kun.." I said

"But you're still going to try if he's ever going to change his mind, right?" Mitsuri said

"You two are meant to be! He just doesn't realize it yet." She added

"Oh. It's not like that.. I just like him alot.." I said, playing with my fingers.

It became a habit of mine to play with my fingers when i'm nervous.

"So shoot your shot girl! I'm sure he won't mind~" Mitsuri said teasing me

"That's why I said yes to that hangout." I said smiling slightly


The three of us were at our special spot, as I was waiting for Giyuu to arrive

"Hmm, he's taking so long-" I got cut off

"Hey guys!" We heard a familiar voice behind us,

As I saw Giyuu, my heart immediately sped up

"Why don't you go approach him~" Mitsuri teased

"I mean, it won't hurt right~" Mitsuri added

"Fine~" I said, giggling lightly as I felt my cheeks heat up

I stood up and smiled at him, I started walking towards him,

I heard Mitsuri and Rengoku fangirling over us and I just made me blush even more

"Y/N-chan, watch out-"

I didn't realize there was something in the way, I felt myself losing balance

I gave myself a mental facepalm, I was going to embarrass myself.

"Y/N!" I heard a voice from behind me as I tripped

I accepted fate that I was about to fall on my face, I hope I don't break my nose

This is so embarrassing..

As I was about to fall on my face, I felt strong arms catch me

"Woah, be careful Y/N, you might get hurt."

I felt my cheeks heat up so bad, I froze.

"Y/N! Y/N!" I heard Mitsuri from behind me

"Are you ok, Y/N? Are you hurt?"

I couldn't answer, I was blushing so bad as Giyuu held me in his arms

"Y/N?" I heard another worried voice

I perked my head up

I saw Giyuu eyes staring back at my e/c colored eyes,


I could get lost in those eyes anyday.


"Oh oh. Sorry I zoned out.." I said finally getting snapped out of a daze and fixing my clothes to stand up straight.

"Are you hurt?" He said, worry was lacing in his voice

"I'm okay, thank you."

"Good." He smiles

I then saw Giyuu's lunchbox on the ground,


"It's ok, I placed it down there, it didn't spill or anything." He says, picking up the lunchbox on the ground

"You see, nothing spilt." He smiles

"Sorry for running to you, I was just a little bit too excited."

"It's ok.. I was excited too. It's been a while since we ate together." He said, his eyes slightly twinkling

I blushed so red and turned my head away from him,

I saw Rengoku and Mitsuri and gave me a thumbs up

I quickly walked my way towards them and hid behind Mitsuri because I was still blushing so badly

"Someone's in love~" She teased as Rengoku laughed beside her

"I'm nottt" I protested blushing more

"We didn't say it was you, Y/N-chan." Mitsuri teased

I just clinged onto Mitsuri even more, as I felt my cheeks heat up so bad, I felt so embarrassed.

"Is Y/N.. Ok?"

"Oh yeah, just leave some space for her beside you. She's just going through things.." Mitsuri said patting my head slightly.

"Oh ok."

I slowly lifted my head up and saw Giyuu sitting beside Rengoku leaving space for me

I felt that I wasn't in my fazed up fangirl phase so I slowly walked over to Giyuu and sat down beside him

"Hey Y/N~"

"Hey Giyuu" I said looking away slightly as a blush crept on my cheeks again



I was alone in my household, fixing my drawers as I saw Giyuu's letter still unopened

I wonder what he wrote?

Well he basically told you what the letter said but it won't hurt if you just read it, right?

I sighed and picked it up, slowly opening the small envelope

As soon as I saw the piece of paper I opened it slowly

Dear Y/N,

I'm pretty sure Tokito-san already gave you this letter.

I just wanted to ask something real quick,

I completely regret for forgetting our hangout that I promised to go to, so I wanted to ask if after my mission if we could go to that small tea shop and hangout?

I'll be looking forward to seeing you there

-Giyuu :)

I can't help but blush at the letter

I slowly placed the paper inside the envelope and placed it back in my drawer closing it

I fell onto my bed and smiled to myself

You belong with me..

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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