Chapter 19: Helping Hand

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Word Count: 864 words


While the four of us, my eyes drifted to Rengoku and Mitsuri being awkward with each other

"Hey you two." I called the two of them

"Yeah?" The two of them asked at the same time

"It's like the two of you aren't talking to each other as usual?" I was definitely concerned that they weren't talking each other

"Oh it's nothing really.." Rengoku said, scratching the back of his head

"We just haven't seen each other in a while, that's all."

I raised my eyebrow in confusion, I remembered when one of them are from mission they usually talk about it. There's something off about them.

I knew Rengoku's interest towards Mitsuri.. Does Mitsuri know?

Did she reject him?

I was cut off my thoughts, when an arm snaked around my waist.

"You ok?"

"Oh. I'm ok, i'm just thinking about stuff.."

"Is it about the two of them?" Giyuu gently whispered towards me, being cautious so they won't hear

"Yeah, you know about Rengoku too?" I whispered back

"Yeah, he asked me for confession advice a while ago." He whispered back

My mouth made an 'o' expression

"I think he's going to confess now or later." I whispered back

"Yeah, he looks nervous as hell." He whispered back

"Hey what're you two talking about?"

"Oh, it's nothing really."

"Hey if you two are planning to di anything, use protection." Mitsuri said sternly,

I blushed dark red

"It isn't like that!" I said hiding my face with my hands

"Nah, i'm just kidding. Oh my gosh! Giyuu's so red!" Mitsuri laughed

I looked up and I saw Giyuu blushing dark red

"Are you blushing!?" I giggled, poking his cheeks

"I'm not!"

"You aree~" I laughed

"I'm just flustered.." He said, hiding behind my neck

"You two are such a cute couple~"

I blushed more

"Thanks Mitsuri~"

"I hope I had someone like that~'

Those words that fell out off Mitsuri's mouth made Rengoku choke, making him cough out and drop his chopsticks

"Oh my gosh! Are you ok, Rengoku!?" Mitsuri said, as she rubbed his back

"I'm okay" He coughed in between words and grabbed his cup of water and drank it quickly

I laughed quietly, as Giyuu peaked out my neck

"He's so flustered" I whispered to Giyuu

"That's how I felt when you ranted about your lovelife." He joked

"Hey! I never do that infront of you!" I huffed and crossed my arms

"Sorry, I just choked on something." Rengoku said, scratching the back of his head

"I was so worried about you! Next time chew and swallow slowly." She said sternly, slight smacking the back of his head

"I will. I will. Sorry sorry." He blushed slightly

"Anyways, anyways.. Hey, Rengoku?"

"Yeah, Mitsuri?"

"Why don't you hangout at my place later? Tell me about your mission and stuff~"

They both turned pink when Rengoku turned towards her, I watched as they looked at each other then looked away

"They're such tsunderes~"

"Hey we heard that!" They both said at the same time, the pink tints on their cheeks got darker

"Oh, and Mitsuri, I'll go to your house later~" He smiled at her making her blush


"I can't wait for them to date~" I said, sitting on Giyuu's bed

I was at Giyuu's house to hangout

"Are you sure you aren't sick anymore?" He sat beside me, giving me a cup of tea

"I'm feeling better, and I don't have a headache. But thanks for the concern" I said smiling at him and taking a sip of tea

"I'm glad. Anyways, what were you talking about just a while ago?"

"Oh, yeah. I need to at least help the two of them get together. I mean it's like so obvious that they like each other."

"I mean, they helped me flirt with you and stuff.." I said, blushing a bit

"They helped you, flirt?"


"Wait, so what you were doing, was.. Flirting..??" He said rather confused

"Wait!? You didn't notice!?" I laughed a bit

"I mean, I thought you were just talking normally. I dunno."

"You're so awkward sometimes." I teased

"What do you mean? I'm always awkward." He joked

"Hey, Giyuu? Who taught you how to confess, I taught I was the one who was gonna confess."

"I taught it up all in my head. You were my only best friend, so I learned so much about you." He shrugged

"It wasn't like you, I didn't know you would get so cheesy like that"

"Hey! I'm not cheesy!" He pouted

"Nah, i'm just messing with ya." I laughed and took a sip of tea

"Anyways, you want us, to help them get together?" Giyuu questioned

"It's a return of favor Giyuu. They're gonna thank us in the mere future when they get married and have children of their own."

"And i'm also get thank them when we get married and have children." Giyuu winked at me

I blushed

"Anyways, anyways, would you help me get them together."

"Sure sure."

"Operation, Mitsuri and Rengoku! Begin!" I joked

"You're so cute, Y/N" He teased and poked my cheek

"Oh shut up~"

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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