Chapter 28: Forgive and forget

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Word Count: 869 words


"Giyuu, you're hear early." Mitsuri yawned as she stood beside me

"I promised to wait for her, and she would arrive any minute today." I couldn't really control myself, I was excited to see her

Well she was away for only 3 days, but that doesn't help. I miss her so bad.

"Good morning, Giyuu-san." Rengoku stretched his arms and walking towards Mitsuri

"We're the only ones here." I looked around

"It's only 8 AM Giyuu. They're all probably still asleep." Mitsuri said, placing her head on Rengoku's shoulder

"If it's that early, why're you two awake?"

"Mitsuri woke me up."

"I couldn't wait any longer. I want to see her, i'm still worried about her and Shinobu." Mitsuri said

"Y/N's a very clever girl. Maybe she'll fix their issue." Rengoku said, smiling a bit

"If Shinobu will cooperate. I despised her ever since she started treating Y/N like that."

"Let's just hope for the best, I guess." I shrugged

Mitsuri gasped and pointed towards the gates

"She's here! She's here!"

"Babe, not so noisy. The others will wake up." Rengoku scolded her

"Sorry babe. But Y/N's here!"

I turned around, and a smile immediately formed on my face

She was frantically waving at the both of us, Shinobu was just beside her, unusually happy too.

Once she entered the gates she didn't hesitate to run towards me

"Giyuu!" She shouted happily and jumped into my arms

I laughed and gave her a tight hug, spinning her around

Once I placed her down, I connected our lips together

She immediately kissed back, making my cheeks grow dark pink

"Guys, it's like you haven't seen each other in 10 years." Mitsuri joked

She pulled away surprised and blushed

"Sorry I got carried away."

"Nah, it's good. I get it." Mitsuri giggled and gave her a tight hug

Once they pulled away, Rengoku gave her a small hug as well

But I noticed that Shinobu was just awkwardly standing there, is she ok?

She seemed to notice my stare as she looked at me and gave me a small wave

I gave her a cold stare and walked towards Y/N

Let's not pretend that we're in good terms

"Oh Y/N, you should get home to have some rest." Mitsuri said, seeing her yawn and rub her eyes

"Yeah, I should. I'll see you three at lunch?"

"I want to go with you." I smiled and held her hand

"I know. Three I meant, Mitsuri, Rengoku and.." She looked back and gave a small smile at Shinobu

"Hah??" The three of us asked, confused

"I'll explain details later, I'll go get some rest first, let's go Giyuu." She smiled and squeezed my hand

"I'm going to get my extra sleep." Rengoku yawned and walked off with Mitsuri


"Hey!" Y/N waved frantically at Rengoku and Mitsuri

"Hey Y/N!" Mitsuri giggled and called her over to sit

I was trailing behind Y/N,

Once we settled down, we were eating together as usual

"So Y/N, why were you trying to invite Shinobu-san to lunch earlier?" Mitsuri said, munching on some food in the process

"Well, during our mission, she apologized."

"You forgave her?? I wouldn't have the heart to." Mitsuri said in awe

"My heart couldn't help but forgive her." She shrugged and ate her food

"Well, so you two are friends now?" Rengoku raised an eyebrow


My eyes widen

"How!? She literally did so much bad things to you!?"

"She promised she won't do it again." She smiles

"And I believe her."

"Speaking of the devil." Mitsuri pointed to Shinobu walking towards us

Once she reached us, she smiled at the four of us.

"Uhm, sorry if this is awkward, but do you guys mind if I can eat with you guys?"

"We do-" Mitsuri got cut off by Rengoku placing a hand on her mouth

"Oh, i'm sorry. I'll just get going-"

"We don't mind. Go ahead." Rengoku smiled

Mitsuri removed his hand off her mouth and glared at him

"Really?" She looked at me and Y/N

"Yeah of course, right Giyuu?" She gave me a small nudge

I gave her a stare saying 'huh why?'

She gave me a harder glare making me flinch and nod

"Yeah yeah."

"Great, thank you guys."


"I'll see you guys tomorrow! Thank you for inviting me, Y/N!"

"You're welcome~ we'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye Shinobu-san! See you tomorrow!" Mitsuri shouted waving at her

She giggled and waved back and walked off

"I see you two are getting quite along, hm?" I raised my eyebrow

"Well, she isn't as bad as before, and she did apologize to us, right?" Mitsuri explained, cleaning up

"I mean, you're right, but i'm still not buying her apology"

"I totally understand, but you will eventually right?" Her puppy eyes just made me almost melt on the spot

"I'll think about it.." I gave her a small kiss on the nose

"Hmph, you're such a tough nut" She pouted

"I'm your tough nut" I smirked

She laughed and smacked my shoulder

I'm so glad to have her in my life

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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