Chapter 13: Date?

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Word Count: 891 words


I waited by my doorstep yet again

I held on my wallet tightly as I impatiently watched the clock tick by

It was only 1:00 but I was really excited

At first I was very uncertain if he was going to show up, but I gave myself a small pat in the back to just believe him.

Maybe he'll explain himself there,

Why he didn't show up last time

Oh well, only fate shall tell

I slowly kick my feet around as I was growing more and more impatient

I shouldn't be this impatient

It's probably just my nerves, i'll calm down soon

Tick tick tick

The sound of my clock was the only one projecting sound

As I looked at the clock, it was only 1:15PM

I should calm myself down-

My thoughts get interrupted as I heard a soft knock on my door

My head immediately perked up, and ran to the door

I place my back by the door,

Why am I so nervous

I sucked in a breath and opened the door slowly

"Hey Y/N~" Giyuu smiles as he sees me open my door,

"Ara ara~ you're so early." I said acting surprised

"I don't want to disappoint anyone.." He said, trailing off mid sentence

"And plus, I want to explain myself from last time."

"Oh.. Ok.." I said, acting suspicious, I always had the truth out of him when I acted like this

"Fine fine fine, I was too excited, ok?" He said, slightly blushing, turning his head away from me.

I giggled a bit

"I was kidding, you didn't have to say that." I teased

"So.. Shall we..?" He asked, extending his hand out

"We shall~" I said, and grabbed his hand

We both blushed at each other

I quickly let go of his hand

"Sorry I should've have done that-"

"No no no, it's ok. I mean, were best friends right?" He says softly

I got a little sad over the best friend thing, but I won't deny that I felt a blush creep on my cheeks

He smiles at me and slowly grabbed my hand, making me blush harder


"Here are your orders"

"Thank you so much"

I slowly got my cup of green tea and took a small sip of it

"So, what makes you bring me here today?" I asked Giyuu as he took his sip of tea

"I just wanted to hangout, missed hanging out with you"

"Pshhh~ you're probably just hanging out with Shinobu-san that's why you forgot about our hangout before" I said, joking around but then I felt tears brimming on my eyes

"It's not like that.." He said sadly

"Then what is it then?" I said slowly losing my cool

I wasn't a fan of bringing up the past I always felt that everything's my fault on why everyone's unlucky.

"I was actually ready to pick you up, and she invited me over to talk about our mission and I didn't notice the time, when I went to go by your house to apologize, I heard you hanging out with Mitsuri and Rengoku so I came to apologize the next day but you wouldn't listen"

I froze

I saw his eyes slowly brim up with tears

I gave a firm grip on my cup and let a few tears fall already

I felt guilt

"I-i'm sorry, I-i didn't know.." I said, controlling my tears as more continued to fall

"Hey hey, it's ok. Don't cry." He slowly reached for my hand and gave it a small squeeze

"I feel like such a bad friend i-" I get cut off by a tight hug

"You aren't ok..?" He said whispering to me

"You're one of the most wonderful people I ever met. Don't ever forget that." He pulls away and gives me a small smile

I gave him a small smile

Oh how I wish he were mine

But he has someone else..

Oh well, at least we're best friends..


"Thanks alot, I feel better now.. Sorry about not listening I just got caught up by my feelings.."

"It's totally understandable."


"That was great" I smiled at him as we were walking home

"Yeah, I had fun we should do that more often." He gave me a small smirk

"G-giyuu, I have a question."

I said quite uneasy as something wasn't really sitting easy with me

"Yes, Y/N?"

"Are you.. Y'know, uhh.." I couldn't get the words out of my mouth

"Are you, dating anyone?" I asked shyly, playing with my fingers

"Oh.. I'm not, why'd you ask?"

"Oh nothing.." I said, blushing profusely, I didn't want to even look at him

"How about you, you dating anyone?"

"Oh no, the person i'm interested in doesn't seem interested." I gave a small laugh

"I'm sure he does, trust me, he'll confess soon." Giyuu said giving me a thumbs up as we arrive to my house

"How are you so certain?"

"You'll see" He winks as I open my door

"So i'll see you tomorrow?"


"Bye Y/N, I had fun"

"I had fun as well, see you tomorrow"

He waves and I close my door

I started squealing and almost fell

So this is what falling in love is

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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