Final Thank You

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Hello guys, it's Arah-chan here. :3

I just wanted to say, thank you so much for supporting my book, I made this book for fun, and I was really surprised from the feedback.

Also to all the people who read and enjoyed the book, thank you so much for the motivation to continue the book, I really appreciate all the sweet comments you leave, and I always read all your comments

Another thank you, for the amount of reads and votes, I didn't expect so many people to read it! (I cri) you guys make me so so so happy, thank you so so much~

Please continue to support and read my book, I really appreciate every single read and every single vote, and all the sweet comments you all leave.

Please notify me if there are any grammar mistakes in the chapters, I write chapters very late at night and I don't really proofread anything (oops)

Again, Thank you, and I love you all from the very bottom of my heart. ♡


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