Chapter 10: Defense

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Word Count: 898 words


"Wake up! Wake up!" The crow echoed his voice in my ears

I groaned and rolled over a bit too much, making me fall off my bed

I yelped, sitting up and rubbing my eyes

"What do you want, it's literally 7:30 in the morning"

"Oyakata-sama wants to meet the Hashiras!"

I stood up and changed from my night clothes and fixing my hair

I slipped on shoes and hurried

I was brisk walking when I stumbled across a familiar boy

"Ohayo, L/N-san!

"Ohayo, Tanjiro" I said giving him a high five

"I see you're doing well, did your injuries heal already?"

"Shinobu-san said that i'll be going to rehabilitation training tomorrow, i'm just taking on a morning walk."

"Oh ok, i'm glad you're safe already. But I suggest you go back to the Butterfly Estate and take some rest, after your walk." I smiled at him

"Ok, arigato L/N-san, May I ask some advice?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"I can smell some happiness in you, how do you maintain happiness in you?" He smiles at me

"Here, just look in the positive outlooks on life. You can do anything just as long as you believe." I gave him a thumbs up

"Arigato L/N-san!"

I gave him a small hug

"Say hello to Nezuko for me, I have to get going Oyakata-sama is holding a meeting with the Hashiras"

"Ok, see you around L/N-san!" He said walking off

I smiled once more before I continued walking,


"There is a new mission, that we need to solve, in two different places. And we now have to assign the Hashiras that will be able to face the mission."

"Rengoku, you will be in a mission in a train, for there are people getting missing, along with the three, Tanjiro, Zenistu and Inosuke, that will soon follow after their recovery."

"I will be able to fulfill this mission, Oyakata-sama." Rengoku said, responding to the mission.

"Ok, the next mission is there are demons that are getting people missing by a village, and for the number of demons, I have to assign two people."

"Would anyone want to volunteer to take on this mission?"

Except for Rengoku, all of the Hashiras raised their hands, we are all willing to take on the mission, for the safety of people around us.

"Since all of you are willing to take on the mission, I shall be choosing."

All of the Hashiras place their hands down as Oyakata-sama thought about his decision

I wonder who it will be?

"Y/N and Giyuu, are you two willing to take on this mission, as a pair?"

My eyes immediately widen and darted it's way to Giyuu,

Our eyes met and can't help but let a soft blush on my face

"I am willing-"

"Objection, Oyakata-sama!"

"What will you object, Shinobu-san?

I wanted to slap her

"L/N-san is only a new addition to the Hashiras, won't her power be too weak to be against a big number of demons?"

"Y/N is worthy of the mission, even when she's a new addition to the Hashiras she still has overwhelming strength." Mitsuri said, glaring at Shinobu

"Oyakata-sama, I would like to take on L/N-san's place and to be paired with Tomioka-san." She added, giving Mitsuri an evil smile.

"Y/N, are you willing to give up your place, for Shinobu-san?"

"No. I will not."

"But L/N-san, we can't risk losing a new Hashira.. I think it's better that-"

"I am willing to take on the mission with Y/N-san." Giyuu spoke up, looking directly at me

"I am also willing to take on the mission with Giyuu-san." I said sealing Shinobu's mouth up

"Very well then. All of you are dismissed."

As soon as the doors shut behind Oyakata-sama, Shinobu walked over me ready to slap me, but as she lifted her arm, I grabbed it.

"Don't touch me." She snarled

"Don't touch me either" I said giving her a death glare.

"Fine. But you aren't going to steal him from me."

"Who said I was stealing him from you?" I laughed

"You're just insecure." She spat

"Of what? Actually, maybe you're the one insecure imma steal your mans from you."

She was about to slap me, when I felt someone grab her and pull her away from me

"Let me go! I need to let her feel what she deserves!"

"Just go home."

"But Tomioka-san-"

"I said, go home!"

She slapped his arm away and she started walking home

"Y/N-chan!" I heard two people from behind me

"Y/N chan! Are you ok!? Are you hurt!?" Mitsuri said shaking me a bit

"I'm ok." I smiled softly, I admit I was still tense from the sudden confrontation

"I knew it she was about to do that, sorry, we were talking about something and we heard some shouting." Rengoku said

"Guys, i'm ok. Thanks for the concern."

Deep inside I felt that pang of jealousy, I know Giyuu and Shinobu liked each other. And it just made me more tense.

"Let's just go.." I said quietly.

Mitsuri and Rengoku gave me a smile and a nod, before we walked off

-Araxx (changbinppang)

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