How You Meet

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(Picture all of them in their fetus years with the hair and acne and everything 😏)

Ashton: "Isn't this party just awesome?" You say to your bestie excitedly. "Yeah! There's even a pool. Wanna check it out now?" You nod, and head towards the pool with her. Once outside, you and (b/f/n) don't even hesitate before stripping off your clothing, tossing them in a messy pile by the pool and exposing your bikinis before jumping in. Surfacing, you spot a cute boy, floating on a floatie, blond hair straightened and a body hot as hell. You can't help but linger your gaze a bit, checking out his toned figure. "Ooh, see something you like, (y/n)?" Your bestie snaps you out of your trance. "Huh? Oh, right, he is hot, isn't he?" You admit, not even embarrassed. Little do you know, one of the boy's friends hear you talking about him. You feel a tap on your shoulder and turn to the handsome boy smiling. "Hey, you're (y/n), right? My friend told me you thought I was hot and I gotta say I feel the exact same about you." He flirts, "I'm Ashton." You break into a confident smile while (b/f/n) practically goes crazy, watching from afar, "Good to meet you, Ashton." You end up chatting for far longer than you expected before getting out of the water and back to (b/f/n), who starts: "TELL ME about your encounter with Mister Super Hot." You roll your eyes playfully, but tell everything to her. "Oh my god, you're so lucky! Did you get his number?" "No..." You sigh, but just before (b/f/n) can give you a lecture, Ashton comes back and stuffs a folded note into your hand. "Take this," he simply winks and leaves. "Oh my god!" (b/f/n) squeals while you chuckle, and stuff Ashton's number into your pocket, grinning widely.

Calum: You ride your bike down the road, enjoying the cool breeze as it blows past your face. You find cycling so relaxing to do as a hobby, especially on weekends and holidays since it's just so... calming. As you turn a corner, you're lost in your thoughts and don't even realise someone else is also biking around this corner, until you're both falling onto the ground and landing after a harsh tumble. "Oof... Oh my god, are you okay? I'm so so SO sorry!" The person apologises frantically, and you look up to see a brown eyed boy looking at you with worried eyes. "Are you hurt?" He asks, concerned. "I'm not sure... okay, maybe." You look down to your knee to find a pretty massive scrape. "I am so sorry, I'm such a clumsy head! If I just looked out..." "No, it's okay! I was the one zoning out." You say. "Either way, you need a band-aid on that thing." The boy takes off his bag and rummages around, pulling out a band-aid and ripping it open. "Oh, you don't have to!" "No, I owe you this." He stands up then bends down to your leg, gently sticking the band-aid on your wound, then lending you a hand to pull you to your feet. "Thank you so much! I'm (y/n)." You smile. "I'm Calum. Uh... Can I have your number, by any chance? It's just that... you're really pretty." He asks awkwardly, blushing. "Sure thing," you say, jolting down your number on a sheet of paper from your pocket and handing it to Calum. "Thanks for the band-aid. I hope you call me soon!" You say. "I definitely will. Bye, (y/n)!" Calum replies, a friendly expression on his face. You share a smile, and part ways on your bikes, feeling even happier than before.

(Omg awkward Calum is so mf cute 😳)

Luke: You climb up the treehouse your dad built you for your birthday on a Friday afternoon with nothing to do, looking for some outdoor downtime. You take a seat inside the treehouse, letting your legs dangle off the edge. This is awfully close to your next door neighbour's tree, coincidentally also having a treehouse. You turn your head to look at the tree next to you and you're very surprised to meet a boy's gaze, his blond hair combed to the side and tinges of beautiful blue in his eyes. "Oh! Hi!" You almost jump and drop your book. "Um... Hey, there!" The boy starts, eyes wide. There's a moment of awkward silence before he coughs and starts, "So... I'm guessing you're my neighbour I've seen around... If I'm right your name is (y/n), and I'm Luke... Oh gosh, I sound like some creepy stalker." Luke rambles, a blush rising up to his cheeks. "Hi, Luke," you say, finding his bright blue eyes mesmerising, "I always hear you and your bandmates practising from my house but I never thought to come and talk to you..." Slowly, the conversation starts to become fluent, as you both get to know each other sitting in adjacent treehouses, talking about whatever you feel like. You don't even realise the sun starting to set until it begins to get dark. "Oh, it's pretty late..." you say, "It was great to finally talk to you, Luke! I know we're neighbours but we never really talked so this was really fun." "Yeah... It was really nice to chat. We should talk more often, like at school or something?" Luke smiles softly. "I'd like that." You smile, wave goodbye and climb down the treehouse, your heart thumping.

(Awkward Luke is my life 😂)

Michael: "How... How could you? My boyfriend and my best friend. I thought I could trust you. Clearly I was WRONG! It's OVER!" Anger boils up inside you and you slap your now ex boyfriend - hard, before storming away. You sit on a park bench, silently crying. You really, really thought they loved you. "Hey..." A gentle voice disturbs you from your messy pool of thoughts, "Are you alright?" You look up with teary eyes to find a concerned boy, his stunning eyes glittered with worry. "...No." You bite your lip, struggling to keep a tear from falling. "Tell me about it." He sits down next to you. "Well..." you debate, deciding this boy looks much too caring for you to be any kind of threat so you spill your story to him. "My boyfriend and I just broke up. Basically, I caught him cheating. With my best friend. I lost two people I trusted with my life today..." You choke, starting to cry again. "Aw, I'm so sorry. You'll get better, in time." The boy rubs your back, making you feel like you'd known him for many years instead of a few minutes. "Thanks... What is your name?" You ask. "Michael. You are?" "(y/n)." "Good to meet ya, (y/n)," he smiles, "If anyone hurts you again, come to me." You raise your eyebrow, feeling a little better, "...Will I ever even see you again, though?" Michael thinks for a moment, "Should I give you my number then?" "That would be great." You smile softly. He writes his number on a note and places it into your palm. "Thanks." You say, "For hearing me out at a time like this." He smiles at you, "Anytime." You feel butterflies in your stomach but this is a great sign given you only just broke up with your ex boyfriend.

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