First Fight And Make Up

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Ashton: ​"(y/n), I swear you WERE flirting with him! I saw it with my own eyes!" Ashton yells. "I WASN'T! He's my best friend and we haven't seen each other in two years!" You shout. "Don't BLOODY lie to me!" He screams. You realise he looks angrier than ever, staring you down with furious eyes. "I..." You start to tear up, and soon break into tears. This is your first fight and it feels damn horrible. "Oh my god." Ash softens, "Babe, I'm so sorry. I never should've accused you." He comes closer, gently wrapping an arm around your waist and you're too exhausted to push him away. He plants a kiss on your forehead and softly wipes away your tears, "Come on. Let's go cuddle in bed and forget about this stupid fight."

​Calum: "(y/n), WHY would you say something like that in front of the interviewer? You know how insecure I am for you!" Calum yells. You said when the interviewer asked what could take you away from Calum, "Dunno, bunch of hot guys or something, haha." "It was a joke! I never meant any of it!" You scream. "A JOKE that hurt my feelings! You should KNOW not to say those things!" Calum shouts. "It won't happen again, OKAY? This entire fight is stupid!" You yell loudly and storm off to your room. A while later Calum comes in, cooled down and pleading for your forgiveness. At first you try to act cold but Calum's repeated begging and attempted touches eventually causes you to give in and hug him back.

Luke: ​"She was touching you," you mutter, "In an intimate way... I saw it." "I don't like her. She's my ex." Luke says. "Then why'd you keep hugging her? You could've pulled away then." You sigh. "I... I'm really sorry, (y/n), let me explain," Luke says calmly. You nod. "When we met in school she liked me. Really, REALLY liked me. She chased me so much I had to date her," Luke says, "I never liked her that way, but kept it a secret not to hurt her feelings. That hug, it's obvious she still likes me, and I couldn't bear breaking her heart, 'cause I'm just painfully nice..." You sigh softly, "I get it. But you're with me, right?" He nods rapidly, "You're my one and only. I promise." He wraps his arms around you, resting his head atop yours.

Michael: ​"You're just so addicted to your stupid games and I'm turning into AIR!" You scream, throwing your hands up in frustration. "Games and you are different, (y/n)! Why can't I have both?" Michael yells. "Because it's unbalanced! You spend too long on games and ignore me all the time!" You shout, "If you wanna make a commitment to me then better make a GOOD one!" You try to walk away but Michael blocks your path. "You want me to focus on you?" He growls, "I'm 100% here now." His strong hands push you against the wall, lips smashing against yours as your body goes soft. "Mike..." "Shh. Sorry. I'm here now. I'll game less and spend more time with you," he pulls away briefly to say, then puts his lips back on yours again.

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