He Asks You To Be His Girlfriend

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Ashton: Ash has just texted you to meet at his place because he "has something really special to ask". Normally at this hour traffic would hold you back a long time but strangely today there are few cars and you arrive in half the time. Just as you go to knock on the door you realise it's slightly open. You peek inside but no one is in sight. Suddenly, you see a bouquet of your favourite flowers on the table. Ashton barges out of his bathroom. "Oh, hi, (y/n)! You're here early." he fumbles, "Sorry about that. I was just fixing my hair." "It's okay. What's the occasion?" You gesture to the flowers. He quickly picks them up and steps closer, handing them to you, "...Please be my girlfriend?" "Oh my god..." you gasp, "Yes!" and he kisses you passionately.

Calum: Before a performance of Gotta Get Out, Calum calls you to the stage from behind where you were originally watching from. You step onto the stage nervously, but his reassuring smile and the fans' cheering calms you down. "I wanna sing this to you, (y/n), because we've been through so much together and I really like you!" Calum shouts. The band performs the song and Calum passionately sings every lyric, looking deeply into your eyes. Once the song ends, as the fans cheer loudly Calum takes your hands, "(y/n), will you be my girlfriend?" A massive grin spreads across your face as you say the word that Calum is so hoping you would say, "Yes!" You lean up to him and kiss him hard, while he beams and kisses you back.

Luke: You two get bored at a public pool and agree to have some FUN. You steal some liquid soap from a cleaner's trolley, sneakily dump it in the hot tub, then run for your lives hand in hand while a furious lifeguard chases you. Luckily you're fast enough to round the corner and jump into the pool, holding your breath and staring at each other trying not to laugh as the lifeguard passes. You surface, panting, breathing hard, adrenaline pumping. "That was so fun," You grin. "I wanna be able to do more stuff like this," Luke says, "So, uh... what do you say to being my girlfriend?" You almost choke on water in shock, but reply: "I'd love to!" Luke flushes in excitement and pulls you in for a sweet kiss (good thing you're in shallow water).

Michael:​ Michael is staying the night at your house while your parents are on a business trip. You promised nothing of theirs would be touched, so Michael is sleeping in your bed with you. It's awkward at first but now you've relaxed. You wake up around midnight, finding Michael asleep. You get some water and when getting back into bed, you hear him faintly mumbling: "Be my girlfriend, (y/n)?" Your eyes widen, but you gently reply: "Yes!" before turning to find Mike still asleep. "Um, okay, so you asked me to date you in your sleep." "I was awake." Michael suddenly says, "I wanted to hear your reaction." "Oh. Well, I'd still love to be your girlfriend," you say. "And I'd love to be your boyfriend. Now come and kiss me," he smiles.

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