You're Sick (His POV)

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Ashton: (y/n) seemed fine last night, when I came to sleepover at her house. I wake up and she's gone, the bathroom lights on. I go look and there she is, my poor girl hunched over in front of the toilet, coughing, gagging and vomiting, tears streaming down her face. I drop to my knees beside her, patting her back gently and rubbing her shoulders to try and seize her discomfort. "Go, Ash," she starts, her voice a mere croaked whisper, "I look terrible." I shake my head, "Let me take care of you." I wait until she's done throwing up then give her a glass of water to wash out her mouth, searching around the house to find some medicine, making her drink it with a painful frown on her face then carrying her fragile, light as a feather body back to my bed and tucking her under the covers. "T... thanks." She whispers. "I love you," I climb into bed, softly stroking her heated cheek. "I love you too," I hear her faintly mumbling while already falling asleep, and soon I drift off too, holding my princess tight in my arms.

Calum: "You can... go to the studio... Cal, I'll be f-- COUGH!" (y/n) is interrupted by her own coughing fit, the impact causing her body to shake violently and her eyes to sting with tears, my heart aching. "No, you need me here. I'm gonna take care of you." I insist. She stops trying to convince me, laying down on the couch, clutching her burning throat. I ask: "Do you need anything?" "Medicine, chocolate, blanket." She mumbles. I get everything she wants and bring them back to her, the blanket hanging off my arm. I help her swallow the medicine and she frowns at the foul taste. "Here, these'll help." I give her the chocolate which she gratefully eats, then lays back down, grabbing a pillow to tuck under her head. I sit down beside her but she waves me off, "No, you'll get sick too. Just go to the next room. I'll be fine over here." "Are you sure?" "Yeah." "Alright. I'll be in the next room - call me if you need anything. Take a nap then you'll feel better. I love you," I kiss her on the forehead. "I love you too," she whispers.

Luke: I enter her house and call her name. A pale (y/n) groans and stumbles down the stairs. "How are you feeling?" I ask worriedly. "Like I'm gonna pass out..." she croaks, head in my chest, eyes shut. "Poor baby..." I take her into the kitchen, where I find a bottle of medicine and pour some for her. "Ew," she turns away. "Open," I gently turn her head around and poke her lips with the spoon, pouring the medicine in. Her eyes widen and she makes a break for the sink, but I hold her back and clamp a hand over her mouth, forcing her to swallow. She coughs a few times. "Let's get you to bed," I carry her upstairs, setting her on her bed and piling a heap of blankets on top of her. "I'm boiling," she kicks them away. "You're freezing. You need them," I pull them back, taking advantage of my strength to prevent her from resisting and finally she gives in. "I love you. Now get some rest." I place some water and pills on the bedside table, kissing her head. "I love you too, Lukey. Thanks." She replies as I leave her to rest.

Michael: ​"Mom," I start, wiping another tear off my cheek, "I don't know what to do. (y/n)'s been burning up the past few days and no matter what I do, she won't get better. We're in the middle of tour and it's so worrying," Mom asks me for (y/n)'s symptoms and I tell her, listening as she suggests some suitable medicine, then thank her, hanging up then dashing to the nearest pharmacy to buy the medicine. I sprint back to the hotel room, where my girlfriend lays under a pile of blankets, her body burning yet complaining about how freezing it is. "Mom said this medicine will help you feel better," I say sadly, "Try them." I pour the dark brown liquid into the lid, holding it up to her mouth. "That's so disgusting," she squeezes her eyes shut, but lets me pour it into her mouth. Her entire face scrunches up and she looks like she's about to spit it out, but I cover her mouth and make her swallow it, then she lays back down. "Thanks for taking care of me, Mikey. I love you," she whispers. "I love you too, baby." I say.

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