You're His Celebrity Crush (His POV)

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Ashton: My fingers curl around the backstage pass, sweat in my palms as I hand it to the guard who lets me in. The boys follow me and Michael says: "Ash, I still don't get why you're so nervous! She said she knows and loves you!" I shake my head, "That doesn't help!" "Just practice speaking to her on us! Pretend Luke's (y/n)." Calum says. I eye Luke skeptically. "Just go with it." Luke says. "Well, I'd say, hi (y/n), you're really pretty, can we go out for coffee sometime?" I say. "Sure," her voice sounds and I whirl around, red immediately rushing to my cheeks as I notice (y/n)'s arrival, prettier than all her pictures, "Oh, um, hi (y/n)!" "Ash has liked you since forever now!" The boys all grin. She smiles widely at me and say: "Thanks for thinking I'm pretty because I think you're really handsome." I blush harder at her compliment and she continues, "If you're serious about it, give me your number and I'll call for coffee?" I bite my lip and nod, flustered, as we exchange numbers. Judging by their smirks I know I'll be in for a lot of teasing from the boys later but it's all worth it because I have finally met (y/n).

Calum: I bite my lip, unable to contain my stupid grin as I browse photos of (y/n)'s beautiful smile, the contagious sight I can't get enough of. The boys creep up behind me, scaring me with loud screams. "AHH!" I shriek and instantly lock my phone, hoping they haven't seen my screen. "Something you're not telling us here?" Michael smirks. "...NO." I deny. "We saw that. Nothing to hide." Luke grins. I cover my face, blushing. "She likes you too." Michael says casually. My head snaps up: "You can't be serious!" "Michael met (y/n) and she said she's had her eyes on you for a while now! She would love to meet and hang out with you sometime! All you need is to call her!" I gasp loudly, "Mike, I owe you my life." "To pay me back, call her!" Michael gives her number to me as the boys leave the room. I dial it and wait nervously. "Hello?" "Hi (y/n), um, this is Calum!" "Hi, Calum! I'm so glad you called! I love your band and you're my favourite." "Oh my gosh, thanks! Do you uh... wanna hang out sometime?" "That'd be awesome." She says. I grin from ear to ear, even just during a phone call with her.

Luke: It started off as an interview but now it's the boys gushing about my huge crush on (y/n)! "Luke has--" I cover Calum's mouth, but Ashton says it: "Lukey has a massive crush on (y/n)!" The interviewer chuckles: "Well, (y/n) seems to feel the same way! We have a video here." She plays a video, in which (y/n) admits that her celebrity crush is Luke Hemmings, and she'd "kill for that adorably shy personality of his". "She really said that?" I turn my head and shield my burning cheeks from the camera, but it's too obvious. "Yes. And she's here with us today! Guys, please welcome (y/n)!" (y/n) steps into the room, the most beautiful girl alive as she smiles at the camera. "Hi, everyone! Hi, boys! Hi, Luke!" "Hi..." I say quietly, my face like a burning campfire, heart beating at a million beats per minute. "You two are obviously in love and should date already!" Michael laughs. "After we get to know each other better?" we both flush. The rest of the interview is a mixture of teasing, questions about us, and ends with me getting (y/n)'s number and the boys already urging me to call her. Which I do, later...

Michael: ​"OH MY GOD!" My deafening yell scares the shit out of the boys right beside me. "What?" Ashton asks. "(Y/N) MENTIONED ME ON TWITTER! SHE THINKS I'M HOT!" I scream like a twelve-year-old fangirl. "Jeez, Mikey, we told you she'd notice you eventually!" Calum teases. "Have you replied?" "DUH, YES!" "Just DM her already!" Luke urges. I shake my head: "No." "Yes!" "No." "Yes!" Finally, the boys have had enough and share a look, before Ashton and Calum both grab me, pinning me in place as Luke snatches my phone out of my hands. "What are you doing? No! Stop!" I scream and kick to no avail as Luke messages (y/n) with a huge smirk. "thx 4 tagging me (y/n) i luv u so much can we plz meet up sometime?" he types, then hits send, chucking the phone back to me as Ashton and Calum let me go. "What did you do?" I ask, reading the message before cringing, "You jerks!" The boys laugh, but stop when a reply from (y/n) pops up. "luv u 2 michael, id love 2 meet up" My insides explode while my face turns into a bright tomato, as the boys snicker. "See? You should thank us after all."

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