You Run Into His Ex

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Ashton: "Wanna go see a movie next?" Ashton asks as you walk down the street hand in hand. "Sure," you smile, clutching his hand tighter. "Ashton!" A sudden voice interrupts, and you turn to find an unfamiliar blonde heading towards you. "...Biannca?" Ashton starts. "Yes. Ash, I've missed you so much..." She says. "Yeah," Ashton replies, clearly uncomfortable, "And this is my girlfriend, (y/n)." Biannca scoffs. "Her? You could do so much better." This makes Ashton mad and he snaps, "Biannca, things were over between us long ago and don't you think talking shit about the girl I really love will benefit you in any way." You glare at her, grateful your boyfriend is on your side. "Ugh, whatever." She backs off and walks away. "You didn't have to." You say. "But I want to because I love you." Ashton smiles. "I love you too." "Now where were we?" He plants a kiss on your lips and leads you down the street to the cinema.

Calum: "You look good in both of them." Calum grins. "But which one should I choose?" you ask. "You could get both! I'll pay for them." Calum suggests. "You don't have to." "I want to." "Okay... Thanks!" you lean up to hug him but someone stops you. "Calum Hood?" You turn to find a girl gazing at your boyfriend. "Maddy Harris?" He asks. "It's been so long... I missed you so much. Can we please give us another chance?" She pleads. "I'm sorry, but I love someone else now," Calum says, "This is (y/n), my girlfriend." Maddy eyes you skeptically, "You could do so much better." Calum glares: "No. She's the best thing ever happened to me so if you'll tone your attitude down that would be nice." She opens her mouth but Calum's already whisking you away. "I love you. Sorry she said those things." He says. "I love you too." You smile, "You defending me is all that matters." He smiles back and leans in to kiss you.

Luke: "Thanks for planning this," you smile and help Luke set out the picnic items. "I wanted to do something nice for you." Luke smiles shyly. After setting things up, you sit down to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the park and the food he brought. You shuffle closer to him and he wraps an arm around you as you lean back into the tree, but someone disturbs you. "Luke?" Aleisha McDonald. The girl fans LOVED before Luke dumped her. "Aleisha." Luke says plainly. "It's been so long --" "Save it," Luke snaps, "We aren't getting back together. I never even liked you back in high school." "...And she is?" She glares at you. "(y/n), my GIRLFRIEND. She's the most beautiful person ever and amazing so if you could excuse us..." Luke waves casually. "Fine." Aleisha storms off. "Thank you," You smile. "For what?" "Defending me." "Of course. I love you, not her." "I love you too." You just cuddle closer together and share a kiss.

Michael: "WHOA!!!" You both yell as the wind whips through your hair at lightspeed, draining the air out of your lungs, giving you the most thrill possible before it stops all too soon. "Wanna take a break?" "Yep." Michael takes your hand before trailing off, seeing someone waiting in the line. "Michael!" She seems to be just as shocked. "Geordie." He says, rather plainly. "What are you doing here?" She asks. "On a date with my girlfriend," Michael replies. "Oh, this girl here?" She rolls her eyes, "I thought you could do better." "Hey, (y/n) doesn't need to hear you whining or whatever!" Michael snaps, "She's beautiful, talented and nice, better than you, since she will NEVER cheat on me like you did." Geordie tries to respond but you are already walking away. "Thanks for doing that." you smile. "I never loved her anyway. I love YOU." "I love you too," You lean in as he does the same, your lips colliding sweetly.

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