You're On Your Period

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Ashton: "Ashton!" You scream from the bathroom, your clothes covered in blood with no more feminine products. "Hmm?" Your boyfriend arrives outside the door. "Get me some pads/tampons from the bedroom drawer? Get me a change of pants too..." You ask shamefully. "No worries babe, I got you." Ashton goes to grab the products and returns soon with what you need. You open the door a fraction, enough to allow him to give you the box and your clothes, as you change into some clean outfits. "Thanks," You step out, clutching your stained clothes. He senses your insecurity and rubs circles on your back, "There's nothing to be ashamed about. Every girl has her days." You smile gratefully at him, "I love you, Ash... can we cuddle?" "Anything for you, and I love you too," Ashton kisses the top of your head.

Calum: He hears the sound of crying from the bedroom and quickly rushes in to find you sitting on the bed, deflated. "What's wrong, baby?" He asks worriedly, plopping down beside you and rubbing your back. "Nothing, I'm just sad." You whisper, not wanting to tell him about your problem. "You can tell me anything." He pleads. "I'm on my period." You admit, hanging your head low in embarrassment. "That's okay," Calum says, "I have a sister so I know about it. Next time please tell me?" You nod gently, grabbing onto his shirt. "Now how about we go cuddle and watch a movie?" He smiles invitingly. "That'd be great. Can you get me some hot chocolate?" You ask. "Sure thing. I love you." He kisses your cheek before leaving as you say, "I love you too." pondering why you have such a perfect caring boyfriend.

Luke: "Luke, help me." You whine, clutching your stomach as waves of terrible cramps hit your abdomen. "What do I do? I don't even have a sister!" Your boyfriend paces around frantically, not knowing what he should do to help you feel better. "Maybe you should call your mom." You say. "Good idea," he grabs the phone off the table and heads off to the next room. A few minutes later, he comes back with a heating pad, a bottle of hot water and your favourite chocolate. "Mom said these'll help." He smiles, relieved his mom had the solution. "Thank you," you take them, "Could you come cuddle with me too? That'll make me feel much better." Luke immediately plops down on the couch and pulls you in, radiating warmth, "Of course, honey." You lean your head on his shoulder, already better, "I love you so much." "I love you more."

Michael: ​"Why do you get to hang around having nothing to stress about on a monthly basis that includes so much frustration and physical pain?" You mumble, making no sense as you curl into a ball in the corner of the bed. Michael listens to you, first confused but then catching up to what you're say by your position and your irritated mood. "Love, are you on... uh, those days?" He asks carefully. "Actually... yeah. You can leave 'cause I'll just snap at you." You frown. "I'm not leaving, ever. I'm staying here to take care of you." Your boyfriend says comfortingly. "Thanks... God, I love you too much." You say. "But I love you more... wanna cuddle and watch a romcom?" He asks. "Is there any chocolate left?" "A lot of it." He smiles. "I'm in," you grin, your pain forgotten as he picks you up, carrying you to the couch.

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