You Meet The Other Boys

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Ashton: "Okay, so then she was like --" You lean against the wall and explain your hilarious story to your best friend, but suddenly she starts squealing: "Oh my god, (y/n)!" "Hmm?" She subtly points to something behind you, and you turn to see the boy you had encountered at the party a few days back, but this time a few other boys are behind him trying to push him forward and laughing while he's just standing in place looking awkward. "Hi, Ashton!" You wave excitedly, grateful that you remembered his name. "Hi, (y/n)..." He replies quietly, only making the boys push him harder, yelling things you don't quite hear. He glares at them and pushes them off, coming over to talk to you. "Hi, sorry about them." He says, smoothening his straight hair to the side. "That's cool." You say, "Is something wrong? You seem way less confident than the boy I met at the pool," you joke. Ashton laughs nervously, "Those boys were literally trying to force me crashing into your back. I wouldn't have been surprised if they made you hate me somehow." He glances at the three boys, two blonde and one black-haired, who walk over to you. "Ashton thinks you're super pretty and was dying to talk to you just earlier --" The blond haired taller boy starts, but Ashton claps a hand over his mouth: "See what I mean?" He flashes an apologetic smile at you while you laugh and allow him to begin introducing you to his best friends.

(If you've seen their fetus pictures you'll know the blond, TALLER boy I'm mentioning - hint: it's NOT Lukey 😏)

​Calum: After a few times you've hung out together, Calum decides to FaceTime you since you both are staying at home for the day. When his face pops up on your laptop screen, you also see three other unfamiliar faces beside him. "Hi, (y/n)!" He waves enthusiastically, "Guys, meet (y/n)!" The three boys all wave hello to you and Calum introduces them: "So this is Ashton, he's a lot older than all of us..." Ashton glares at him, mouthing "I'm not old", "...This is Luke, he's shy and doesn't talk much..." Luke looks at him shyly, face like a girl, "...And this is Michael. He is crazy so don't go near him or he'll infect you with his crazy disease." Calum jokes. You laugh, "Do they normally embarrass you or anything like that?" Calum grins and says: "Almost everyday." As if on cue, Ashton starts talking obnoxiously loud, "Calum literally fell in lo-- mph vrvs! with you the day he knocked you over and - fhfhtsk I kunt breeze!" Calum basically wrestles Ashton, making it impossible to hear what he said. Michael stands up and tries to stop their fight but ends up joining them instead. "Don't mind them. They're always like that," Luke, the only person still in front of the camera, chuckles. "At least I know what I'm in for," You joke.

Luke: "Ahh," you sigh happily as you type the last sentence to your assignment, submitting it online before taking out your headphones playing classical music for studying. Some voices singing nearby fill your ears, and honestly, they're pretty good. You look around, your eyes landing on the window opposite you, and inside there are four boys, including your next door neighbour Luke you had chatted with on your neighbouring treehouses. Soon they finish off and Luke sees you, but doesn't immediately wave as he's too busy blushing and turning away hurriedly. The other boys, though, see you and open the window, as you do the same. "Hiiiii!" They yell, "You must be (y/n)! Luke's been talking about you non stop!" Luke's eyes go wide and he looks up, "No I... Uh... Well... hi, (y/n)!" He waves with a blush. "That song was really good! Luke, you sing really well! You give me a run for my money." You beam. "Thanks," Luke smiles softly, his cheeks flushing a tad red, "We should cover a song sometime together." The boys start "Ohh"ing and "Aww"ing, making Luke even more embarrassed and you blushing slightly also, making the boys tease you both even more due to your awkwardness around each other.

Michael: "Shut the hell up!" You yell after your ex's fakely regretful speech, "I don't want that bullshit! We're done!" Your ex's face turns stern, and he steps forward, setting both hands on your shoulder, making you wince. "Hands off of her! Now!" Michael - the same Michael who, a week ago, made you feel better about this very breakup, yells. "Who's this? Your new boyfriend?" Your ex mocks. "Less of a douchebag than you are." Michael raises his fists dangerously close to your ex's face, "Now, I suggest getting away from her, or I," he gestures to his hands, "And they," he gestures behind him, where three other boys stand, glaring, "Will be ready to strike that pretty face of yours." Your ex's eyes widen, and he steps away, scurrying off. "Thank you so much, Michael," You smile gratefully. Michael smiles back and pats your shoulder, "Just protecting you. Anyway, these are..." He introduces you to the boys. "Isn't Michael lucky you and your ex are done?" "He's been watching you for a while now!" "Every time you come into the park he's staring..." They all smirk. "Hey! Shut up!" Michael glares, despite his face flushing, "(y/n), pretend you heard nothing, please." He pouts at you, making you laugh and wave it off.

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