He's Insecure

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Ashton: Ashton is at your house on your movie date. He looks around and suddenly spots your piano. "Hey, I never noticed that!" He points. You pause, "Oh, I haven't played it in a while. My family does." You suddenly realise Ash can also play the piano. "You should play something! Show me." You say. "Oh, no, I can't!" He frowns. "Why?" "I'll screw up." "You won't!" "I've never played for anyone before." he says, "I'm just worried I'll let you down." He sighs. "Well, don't! You're super talented and you shouldn't hide such an awesome skill." After a couple more rounds of convincing, Ash finally agrees and of course ends up being amazing. "I loved that!" You clap, "I love YOU." Ashton sits down and scoots over to you, "Thanks! I love you too."

Calum: You and Cal have just come back from a hot date and topping it off with, uh, STEAMY stuff. He takes his clothes off, discarding them, about to continue but stopping. "Is something wrong, baby?" You ask. "No," Calum hesitates, "But it's just that I..." He fumbles, nervous. "You can tell me anything." You assure. "Well, you see, whenever we do it I'm always nervous I'll mess it up and ruin our experience and you'll be upset at me..." Calum confesses. You raise your eyebrows: "You would never disappoint me! I'm just as inexperienced as you." After some assuring, Calum gives up on his fears. "I love you, so don't criticise yourself." "I love you too, babe. I'm ready to continue." Calum smiles relaxedly. "Continue please," you smile back.

Luke: Your phone buzzes as you look at a selfie of you and Luke. He's here for your date. You smile, heading outdoors. Luke is there with a gorgeous bouquet, but he looks a bit different from your selfies. "Hey, baby," you say, "Wait, are you wearing makeup?" "Is it that obvious?" He pouts. "You're not really a makeup guru..." You chuckle, "So why?" Luke says: "I broke out horribly and didn't want you to see my face..." "Luke, you're always handsome!" You say, "Don't be insecure." "Once you see me you'll change your mind." "No, I won't. I love you for YOU." You say. "Aww, babe! I love you too. Should we go?" He says. "After we head inside and wash off all that foundation!" You laugh, "Not even I'm wearing makeup." "Okay," Luke says confidently.

Michael: A knock sounds at the door. You perk up - Michael is here for your date. "Mom, I'm going out!"​ You kiss your mother on the cheek before heading out. Michael waits with a flower bouquet, but wearing a huge hat covering his hair and part of his face. "Mikey," you question, "Why are you wearing that hat?" "Fashion! It's fashion!" He fumbles. "Mike, are you okay?" You frown. He sighs and admits: "Well, sorry for lying. I dyed my hair a weird shade and was afraid you would hate it..." He takes the hat off. You see a blend of blond and black hair. "That's so cool!" You grin, "Don't be insecure. I love any colour hair on you." "Thanks, baby." He grins and gives you the flowers. "These are gorgeous! Thanks. I love you." You smile. "I love you too."

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