He Finds You Crying

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Ashton: You leave the sounds of shouting and clattering things behind, running away from your house, tears escaping your eyes. You head straight for Ashton's house and knock on his door, hoping he's the one to open as you don't want anyone else to see you crying. Ashton opens the door and his eyes widen when he sees you, then immediately pulls you into a hug, soothingly rubbing your back, silently telling you everything will be alright. "...What happened?" He asks. "Mom. Dad. Fight." You mumble. "Again..." Ashton grits his teeth, angry they're always making you so upset, "Sleep in my bed tonight. I'll cuddle with you." You nod with a small smile as Ashton leads you into his house, grateful he can help you forget your parents.

Calum: You and Calum had a small fight but something he said really hurt you. You ran out the door and sprinted to a nearby park. It's sunset so no one is here. You sit on a bench, silent tears rolling down your face as you replay his words. A chilly breeze blows past and you shiver, curling into a ball. It's close to evening when Calum comes rushing up, looking worried and exhausted. "(y/n)!" he cries, "Baby, I am so, so, so sorry. I'm such an idiot! I shouldn't have said that, and I shouldn't have started the fight. Please come back with me. I finally found you." He's now crying from how much he regrets his actions. "I'm sorry for our fight... Can we go home? It's cold..." you bury your head in his chest as he holds you. "Of course, love."

Luke: Luke enters, and you quickly look away to hide your face. "Hey, babe," he says cheerfully, "Wanna cuddle with me?" "Um, maybe later..." you try to sound normal but your voice breaks before you finish. "Are you okay?" he comes over worriedly, his eyes widening to see your crying face. "What's wrong, (y/n)?" You show him the string of hate (all from the same user). "That's just a fake fan. You're the prettiest girl alive, you're not too skinny, it's okay to never wear makeup, and you CAN sing!" Luke says, "Just believe me. And, how about we do a Twitcam together? We could sing a duet, get the TRUE fans to tell you how beautiful you are, and whatever you feel like." You smile, reach out and hug him tight, "After I wash my face."

Michael: ​Another attempt. Another failure. You sigh abruptedly and shakily, throwing the acoustic guitar onto the bed and letting your anger explode, in the form of tears. I'm so useless, you think to yourself, so stupid and can't do anything even if I try my best. Tears blue your vision as you stare dejectly at the guitar, your will to give up now stronger than ever. Michael comes into the room, surprised to find you sitting on the bed crying. "Babe! What's wrong?" He asks, concern evident in his voice. "I can't do anything!" You throw your hands up in frustration, "I've tried so hard but I just can't play this guitar." He wraps an arm around you, comforting: "It's okay! I can teach you." You lay your head on him and smile, "Okay."

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