You're Mad At Him

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Ashton: Ashton regrets what he said so much. In your little argument he accidentally said something that shoved you over the edge, even though he never meant it. The anger instantly wears off as he sees your teary eyes, staring at him like he is a stranger and curling into a ball on the couch. Tears come to his eyes too and he comes over, a step away from going on his knees, apologising over and over again, and you forgive him, as you aren't really mad at him anyway. You just want his cuddles so bad. He satisfies your wish, hugging you super tight.

Calum: Your arms are folded as you face away from him, upset over your tiny argument. Calum doesn't know what to do - he's apologising as many times as it takes for you to forgive him. He knows you'll try to push him away if he touches you but he does it anyway, trying to put his arms around you as you resist, not wanting to give in even though you really want to. But eventually, you give up and forgive him, as he beams in triumph, finally able to hug you tight, as long as he takes you out for Italian then cuddle at home which he happily agrees.

Luke: Luke is running all around the house. He's panicking because you're annoyed at him and he can't stand being without your cuddles for more than an hour. You're sitting on the bed crying, unsure if you'll ever forgive him but he comes in with a pizza and puts on his heart melting pout that you can't look away from. He begs for your forgiveness, over and over again repeating how much he loves you and how sorry he is. Eventually you give in as he happily comes to kiss and cuddle with you while putting on a romcom and getting the pizza.

Michael: ​You are upset at Michael for a small thing you can't even remember and crossing your arms in the kitchen. You expect Michael to be all proud and not coming for you but he enters the room almost instantly, regret plastered on his face, only wanting you to forgive him. The repetition of "please" "I'm sorry" "I love you" and his puppy eyes are irresistible and you fall victim to his pout, finally allowing him to hug you, making him extremely happy, as you ask him to cuddle with you and watch a movie and he immediately says yes.

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