You Find Him Crying

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Ashton: The moment Ashton texts you saying he's in a really dark mood, you're already running out the door putting on your coat into the pouring rain. Your legs can't carry you fast enough but you arrive at his house, frantically knocking on the door. Anne greets you: "Hi, (y/n) - oh my god, you're all soaked! Come inside, and get a change of clothes..." After thanking her, you rush to Ash's room and knock, as he lets you in and you see the tears in his eyes. "...What happened?" you ask sadly. "I... I just..." he tries to say but stops, frantically wiping a fallen tear away. "It's okay. Let it out. I'm here." you assure. He finally lets loose, breaking down in front of you and leaning as close to you as possible. You rub his back, "It's gonna be okay. Everything will be fine." "Boys are supposed to comfort girls," he whispers. "Boys can cry too." you say. You stay with him inside his room, cuddling him until he falls asleep on your shoulder, tuck him into his bed then go home, but not before hearing his faint mumble "I love you".

Calum: None of the fans cheer as loud as you in the front row as your boyfriend's band begins playing. They begin on a strong start but after a few songs, you notice Calum struggling to keep up with the vocals and his voice even cracks in the last chorus. As the fans cheer anyway, you see his shaky expression and quickly run backstage, where the boys rejoin you and Calum looks as if he's gonna puke. You immediately wrap him in a hug and are joined by the boys, comforting him. "I messed up," he chokes, "So bad. I let you down. I let everyone down." "No no no," you say, "You did great. One mistake doesn't change anything." "But... but... it does," Calum's voice breaks and a tear escapes his eyes. "Oh, Cal..." you sigh and hug him tighter, the boys surrounding you as he clings to you for dear life, "It's all gonna be okay." "I feel so lame, crying in front of you guys, especially you, (y/n)," he frowns. "No, we're here for you!" You all say and you kiss him on the lips, causing him to blush and crack a smile again.

Luke: As Luke's never seen Titanic before, you watch it together. As Jack slowly sinks into the water, your eyes start watering along with Rose's, but you end up not crying as you aren't that much of an emotional person. However, you turn to Luke beside you to see his eyes filled with tears. "Oh my god, Lukey," you giggle, "Are you crying?" His eyes widen and he shakes his head, "No!" But a tear's already escaping his eye as he instantly turns away from you, hurriedly wiping it away. "You're crying, oh my god," you cover your mouth to keep from bursting into laughter. "Am not!" he turns back with blushing cheeks, putting on his adorable pout. "Uh-huh," you smirk. "Hmph," he huffs, "What about that time you cried so hard during The Notebook?" Now it's your turn to get flustered. "I wasn't crying! I just had... something in my eye!" you deny. "Uh-huh," Luke copies you, making you shove him playfully only to be pinned down by him, resulting in a tickle fight somehow turning into a makeout session.

Michael: ​The past few days, Michael's been really sick and his parents are busy so you're taking care of him. He's curled up in bed, twenty blankets around him but he's still shivering while also having a huge fever. Although the vomiting period is over, occasionally he has a sneezing fit, or coughing fit, or both at the same time. You sit at the edge of the bed staring at him worriedly, cup of tea beside you. Suddenly he bursts into another coughing fit, one so intense that he's gasping for breath, body springing up from his half-laying position and tears springing out of his eyes. You pat his back, trying to steady him. After some time, the coughs finally go away and he's able to drink the tea you give him. "Th... anks..." he croaks, mostly as a choked whisper, tears still running down his face. "Shh," you soothe, pulling a tissue to dab away his tears. He points to himself, makes a heart gesture, then points to you. "Love you too," you smile softly, and kiss his forehead before you leave him to get some needed rest.

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