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Ashton: Ashton really likes to show people that you're his when you appear in public together. You hear fans screaming and cameras flashing as you walk with the boys, Ashton's arm wrapping protectively around your waist. His lips constantly connect with your forehead, or ears whispering sweet words, occasionally your lips whether you're posing for photos or not. These romantic gestures are purely sweet, nothing dirty is present, and the pictures of you two online always melts millions of hearts. As you stay close by your boyfriend's side, he always turns to smile at you every so often, causing you to blush and look away which is what he finds cute about you. But apart from being shy you love these cute moments.

Calum​: Calum isn't the biggest person to show PDA but he still likes it. As paparazzi and fans surround you and the boys, Calum smiles for the cameras while his arm is around you, posing for couple pictures. Your photos are mostly filled with cute, not too over the top moments like hugs, cheek and forehead kisses, and hand holding. But today he feels a bit more adventurous. For these pictures, he's a lot closer to you than normal but you don't mind. As cameras flash, Calum makes an effort to do a lot of coupley gestures, wanting the photos to be online famous and everyone talking about how cute you are. He grabs your face and smashes his lips onto yours, not caring that people are watching as you smile into the kiss.

Luke: Luke loves kissing and cuddling you while you're alone, but in public he is sometimes terribly shy, and sometimes the clingiest boyfriend ever especially if he gets jealous. At today's signing, a lot of fans are asking you and Luke to pose for pictures they want to take, and Luke seems a bit camera shy so you guide his hand into yours and adjust his position. The fangirls take the pictures and squeal excitedly, yelling how they got pictures of the "most it couple". After the fangirls leave, you get caught up talking to a guy fan and when you head back to Luke he looks sad. He begs for you to stay by him and you agree, but Luke ends up basically gluing to you, arms tight around you and lips constantly on yours. Not like you mind.

Michael: ​Michael is a huge fan of PDA and it sometimes make you shy to show that much affection but you do it anyway because it makes Michael happy. The internet is constantly flooding with pictures of the two of you, often going beyond just holding hands. Tonight the boys are doing a concert and Michael invites you onstage for the final song. The fans are screaming as Michael grins and says he dedicates this song to you because you were the inspiration for him. He sings the entire song with passion and love, looking into your eyes almost all of the time, and once he finishes and the band will leave the stage, he picks you up bridal style and carries a giggling you backstage for phones to record.

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