High School AU

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Ashton: "I wonder who we'll get partnered with for this group project. Pity we can't choose for ourselves!" Your bestie says. "Hopefully we can be together, but the chances are slim, sadly." You sigh. Your teacher finally enters the classroom, late again, carrying the instruction sheets: "Sorry, everyone! The staff meeting ran late. So, today you can get started with your pair projects and your partners have been assigned." The teacher reads out a list of names, "(y/n), Ashton." You hear (b/f/n) gasp beside you and you cringe, knowing at least a few people heard that. "Oh my god... You're with Ashton!" (b/f/n) nudges you, whispering. "Yes, I heard! Now please quiet your mouth, please..." You reply desperately. (b/f/n) nods and turns back to the front. Soon, the list of names is finished being read and you all stand up to look for your partners. "(y/n), hey! I'm Ashton." The boy with straight blond hair sticks out a hand. "Ashton, hi! I'm (y/n)." You shake his hand, looking into his beautiful eyes, grateful you managed not to embarrass yourself. "So, let's get started." You sit down on the floor and check the instruction card. It says to do a cover of any music you like as a duo. "Do you play any instruments?" Ashton asks. "I do a bit of guitar." You say. "Me too," He says, then suggests, "Why don't we just both play guitar and sing something? Nice and simple." You shake your head a little, eyes wide, "I don't know... I don't really sing..." "I'm sure you can do it," He says, "You have a nice voice even when you speak so I know your singing voice is really pretty as well." You blush. "Thank you... Okay, I'll do it." He breaks into a wide smile, eyes crinkling and showing his dimples, "That's the girl!" Your heart skips a beat just from looking at his stunning smile and suddenly Music doesn't seem like the worst class... "Okay. Do you wanna come to my house this afternoon to get some early planning done?" He asks. "I've got no plans, so... why not?" You smile. "Great!" He smiles again. Oh, can't it be home time already?

​Calum: "Science is FINALLY over! That was SO... BORING..." You complain, your bestie nodding in agreement. "I've got Food Tech next! My best class of the day. Bye, (b/f/n)!" "Bye, (y/n)!" You enter the Technology Block and find your class, walking in and immediately captured by the warm, sweet smell from whatever beautiful food the last class cooked. "Good afternoon, class!" Your teacher says, "Today we are gonna be cooking in pairs and making cinnamon rolls..." After a ton of explaining, you can finally get started... given you have a partner. Food Tech is the one class you don't have with any friends, so you always have a hard time with group work. "Who doesn't have a partner?" The teacher asks. You raise your hand sheepishly. "Oh, (y/n) and Calum, you can work together today!" You look across the room to find a black haired boy at a counter. You march over to join him. "Hey, (y/n), right?" He points to his sheet, your name spelled correctly under "group members". "Yup. And..." You write down on the sheet "Callan". "Oh, my name is spelled 'C-A-L-U-M'." He chuckles. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" You hurriedly scribble it out and replace it with the right name. "It's okay. Anyway, how come you didn't have a partner?" He asks. "All my friends didn't wanna do Food Tech but I loved it too much to pass." You say. "That's fair. My friends, and bandmates, and I all have really different preferences so we all picked different option subjects." He replies. Once you begin cooking, you carefully measure the flour and turn around with the measuring cup, only to crash into Calum, sending the flour spilling all over his apron. "Oh my god, I'm SO SO sorry! I'm such a klutz, first your name, and now this..." You hurriedly grab a towel and hand it to him. "No, that's alright!" Calum smiles, gently wiping down his apron, "Plus, I think it's cute." CUTE? Your face starts to burn, and you just smile back shyly, "...Thanks!" The moment your eyes meet, lingering, you feel something happening. Deep inside.

Luke: "Okay, class!" Your Maths teacher starts, "From now on, you will all have a seating plan." Collective groans fill the classroom, and your bestie whispers to you: "No! Now we'll be separated." You nod sadly, already silently praying you'll be sat with a girl, or at least a boy that is mildly... not weird. "Now, I'll display the seating plan from the projector, then you can find your seats, open your workbook and turn to page 34 and do the questions for a starter. Any questions, raise your hand." The teacher connects the projector to the laptop and the seating plan is displayed on the board. You immediately spot your name in the front row, and the name next to you is... "Luke Hemmings?" Your bestie asks. "Dunno much about him, only that he's in a band and a maths whizz." You say, "Catch you later! Hope my new neighbour can help me get better at maths if that's even possible. " You scoop all your books up and shuffle to your assigned seat, sighing because you can't chat with your friends. Soon, a blond haired, awkward looking boy moves into the seat beside you. "Um, hi," He says shyly. "Hi, I'm (y/n). You're Luke, correct?" You ask. "Yep. It's, uh... good to meet you, (y/n)! Let's... do the exercise in the book, or something?" He fumbles. You nod and turn to your book, trying to ignore how much the awkward boy is blushing as you're somehow finding it kind of cute. On the first minor glance, you smirk at how unbelievably easy the questions are. You click your pen and get started, only to finish in under seven minutes. You look up and feel Luke's gaze on you, and turn. "You... already completed that?" He asks, jaw open. "Yeah. My dad's a maths pro. I guess it runs in the family?" You shrug. "It does," He smiles, "Not even I can do it that fast. In fact, these questions are messing with my brain... could you help me a bit?" You nod with a nice smile, "Of course." The rest of maths class goes by way too quickly, and you get to know Luke better, realising that there's more to him than his awkward exterior and his band.

Michael: ​Another day, another boring old Spanish class. You enter the classroom and throw down your bag, pulling your books out and throwing them down onto the table. You roll your eyes as you see the familiar setting. Michael Clifford, the messy haired, loud troublemaker, chatting with a bunch of girls ready to swoon by his feet. Typical popular player dude. You focus on your bestie who sits down next to you and starts cheerfully "Hey, (y/n)!" "Hey, (b/f/n)! Can't wait for this class to be over already." You reply. While (b/f/n) excitedly tells you about what happened in another class, you hear girls' laughter and trail off to Michael again, watching as he tells some random joke to make all the girls laugh. "So then he was like... (y/n)! You listening?" (b/f/n) waves. "Hm? Oh, yeah. Sorry." You turn back. "Ooh, I saw you checking out Mister Popular over there..." She smirks. "Huh? No way! I'd never like such a player." You roll your eyes playfully. "If you say so." (b/f/n) says. "So, anyway, he was like 'Aw... but miss, isn't English the...' Hold on. (y/n), oh my god, look who's coming!" (b/f/n) says. You turn to find Michael coming your way, looking directly at you. "Hey, is your name (y/n)?" He scratches his head awkwardly. "Yeah... Michael." You say. "I was just wondering if you'd like to come sit with me and my friends at lunch? Not the girls, my bandmates." He says, hesitating, completely unlike his normal attitude. "Can (b/f/n) come?" You ask. "Oh! Oh, yeah. Anyone's welcome." He says, "So, I'll see you at lunch?" You give him a soft smile, which he returns, almost looking starstruck, "You bet." After he leaves, (b/f/n) goes absolutely insane in front of you. "Oh my freaking god, (y/n)! Michael totally likes you! Look at how awkward he was, I mean, strangely unusual for him, don't you think? You are NOT chickening out this time. It's about time you got yourself a boyfriend." You laugh and shrug, "Well, okay. Whatever you say." Despite your face, deep inside you're jumping up and down, suddenly looking forward to lunch.

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