You Almost Break Up

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Ashton: A knock sounds at the door and you open it to reveal a very depressed looking Ashton. "Oh, hey, Ash," you smile, but he avoids your eye contact. "(y/n), we should break up." He says. "What?" Your heart stops, "Why?" He shows you his phone, pictures of you walking with a tall, handsome boy and an article titled "5 Seconds of Summer's Ashton Irwin girlfriend cheating?" "Aw, Ashton," you say, trying to hold back a giggle, "That's my cousin, you poor boy." "Really?" His eyes light back up. "Really," you pull him into you, "Why else would we look basically like twins?" He gladly hugs you back. To make sure no one spreads more rumours, you go on Twitter and have a chat with Ashton: (y/T/n): guys the pics were me w/ my cousin i am not and will never cheat on @Ashton5SOS / Ashton5SOS: i was so broken for a sec :< love u @(y/T/n) / (y/T/n): aw love u 2 @Ashton5SOS dont ever doubt that :). As soon as they're tweeted, replies flood in from happy fans, and even the boys, teasing you about cheesyness.

Calum: The only thing you can do is cry into your pillow, knowing that this is the end. Calum is staring out the tour bus window, broken that he broke both your hearts by saying he couldn't handle long distance. "Bad choice to end things with (y/n)," His bandmates say sadly. "I know," he sighs, "Is it too late to repair things?" "Never, never!" the guys jump, "Do it! She'll forgive you!" Calum, seeing the hope in their eyes, takes a deep breath and picks up his phone. You're surprised to find Calum's number pop up on your phone screen. "Hey, (y/n)..." Your ex says. "Cal..." "(y/n), I'm so, so, sorry. I was afraid long distance would separate us and thought I had to end US, but clearly that'll hurt even more. I wanna be together even while I'm on tour and I love you too much to walk away. Please, can we give this another chance?" You gulp, tears blurring your eyes, "Yes. I love you too. Where are you?" "New York," he perks up, "Can you..." "Wait for me," you jump up, already booking a flight on your phone, "I'm coming for ya."

Luke: "If you don't want me in your life, then you can just say it!" You sprint into the rain, not caring that it's soaking your dress. You run as fast as your shoes can carry you, trudging through mud puddles. Expecting to leave Luke behind, he chases behind you instead, determined to win you back. "(y/n), please, listen to me!" He yells over the storm. "No!" You sob. His long legs soon carry him over to you and he half-forcefully pulls you into his arms, "Love, please look at me." You try to resist but can't. "We all have bad days and this is one of mine. I never said what I meant and I'm really sorry." His eyes soften as he gazes into yours, "Let's not let a pathetic argument ruin our beautiful relationship, yeah?" You nod gently, and he pulls you in for a kiss, the classic kissing in the rain, your hair soaked but neither of you caring. About that or about anyone else in the world right now. Until you spot the other boys snapping pictures with an umbrella and running off with giggles. Whoops - can't stop 'em from going on Twitter now.

Michael: ​Michael has been making you very upset. He barely speaks to you, is always on his phone, and never comes over anymore, vanishing in and out. No, he must be cheating! This time he cancels your date over text saying he "has something else very important planned", it pushes you over the edge, so you leave a note on the table "we're over" and storm out, tearing up. God knows when he'll see it. You hide in a nearby park, thinking of Michael with his new girlfriend. They'll go to his place and kiss and clothes come off and-- "(y/n)!" A voice sounds. "Mike?" You gasp, jumping up defensively. "(y/n), I'm so sorry I've been busy recently," He says, "I've been planning your surprise birthday party and had this group chat with the boys and... I'm so sorry I made you feel unwanted... Please don't break up with me!" He begs. "Oh god, I'm sorry I took your love for granted. We are NOT over." You say. "Can we now go celebrate your birthday then?" He smiles. "Yes." But not before a passionate smooch or two.

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